Really, Why Should I Consider Jesus My Greatest Hero?

Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; Who was faithful to him that appointed him. Hebrews 3:1-2

As you remember all those heroes who died that you might live in freedom, consider Jesus Christ!! Think upon Him, draw nearer to Him, contemplate upon His Glory, and consider Him the Apostle who proclaimed God’s Final word. Consider Him, the perfect radiance of God’s Glory and image of God who willingly traveled far, suffered, and died that He might purchase your freedom from sin’s penalty. He who was higher than the angels, through whom the world was created; bore all the wrath against sin that perfect righteousness demanded so that you and I might be saved. He died for all who would believe upon His name. In Him we are declared righteous, having been clothed in His righteousness. In Him, we become worthy to be partakers of the heavenly calling as holy brothers and sisters of Christ Himself. In Jesus Christ, we are God’s redeemed, dearly beloved child. So, I urge you; if you have never known Jesus Christ as your Savior; consider Him. For those who know Him, “Consider Him as you face trials, sorrows or pains along this your pilgrimage journey toward your eternal destiny!”

consider Jesus

The word consider means “think about and be drawn toward (a course of action)”, “to believe”, or to “think about when making a decision.” How appropriate a command!! Consider Jesus Christ in all that you do or think! Let’s look at 10 examples of how considering Jesus will transform every detail of your life.

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