What Is The Commission Of The Teachers Of Truth?

What Is The Commission Of The Teachers Of Truth?

There he had sat all of his life just outside the temple courts. Perhaps he had heard the scripture being read. Whenever they would read from Isaiah 35 “God …will come and save you.5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened.” His heart would ache with longing that one day God would come. Perhaps he did not understand at first; but, he longed to understand and to see God’s glory. A heart that during his years of blindness had grown tender. Then Jesus came to him, he placed clay over his eyes and sent him to wash his eyes. He did not see the man who had brought him sight; but, he believed in the truth that this was from God and that the man who had performed this miracle was from God. His parents were afraid of the Jewish leaders and would not answer them concerning the miracle. Yet, this man who had been given sight was willing to risk being an outcast of the synagogue to speak the truth. He had been touched by Grace and he had seen a glimpse of God’s Glory in the gracious act of Jesus giving him sight. That was enough to draw him to boldly stand before the Pharisees and speak the truth from Isaiah 35.


do not grow weary

Of course the  Religious leaders cast the man out of the synagogue.  Once more Jesus had come to seek and find him. Outcast by the local religious community; yet, precious in the eyes of  God.  This time, Jesus came to offer him salvation for his soul and to give him spiritual sight. First he had heard the truth of scripture with a contrite heart, then he had seen a glimpse of God’s glory which caused him to long for more, and finally, he came to worship Christ as his Savior and King. This is a beautiful illustration of salvation.

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