How to Battle the Darkness of Mental Illness

Into the darkest night, God is the answer that you seek.  Whether it be the darkness of addiction, mental illness or both, God is the comforter that your heart seeks.  If you are the one in the battle or if you love someone who is, remember this.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

The outer appearances may fool you

The medical practice that Pete and I built together was huge. Pete was a brilliant diagnostician and physician. My creativity and hard work had been the perfect compliment. Together we built the largest Hispanic Practice in all of Dallas. We had a beautiful house, nice cars, and to the outside world all was well. As for me, I could easily remain buried in the work. Caring for the house, the office, and my two wonderful sons. I kept my mind busy and content. I knew when to exit for a few days and when to return. Really, I had become filled with loving Pete, working hard to help him succeed, and waiting for God’s big miracle to come.

A Surprise Visit

Then came the moment when Pete’s brother, family and father all arrived for a surprise visit. I had stayed home that day to work on the billing for the office. With less than 30 minutes notice I scurried about the house trying to prepare for guests to arrive. They had surprised Pete at the office and were now all headed to the house. Trying to start dinner, transform my bedroom into a guest room, straighten the den/office from the papers I had scattered to work on; my mind was in a whirl. I knew Pete would want to impress. I had to have it all perfect.

In all the scurrying I forgot to move the kitty litter from my bathroom; a mistake I would regret. As I was slung to the ground, I curled into a fetal position to protect my head. A position I had learned to assume over the years. This time I felt the point of his shoe hit my spine. The pain wrenched through my body; but, not a word or sound could I utter. I couldn’t let the others hear. Somehow, when I emerged I managed to smile and to put on the show that all was well for our guests despite the pain.

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