How Can Prayer Really Assure A Life Full Of Joy?

How Can Prayer Really Assure A Life Full Of Joy?

How are you doing with this prayer challenge? We have passed the midway point. I must say that scheduling a time to spend 30 minutes alone dedicated to prayer was challenging at first (because I didn’t want to get up earlier); but, it is becoming a time I really look forward to. It is said that it takes 21 days to really establish a new habit. If that is true we are well on our way. Don’t worry if you have slipped off or haven’t started yet. Today is a new day. Particularly, I want you to know that prayer is the assurance of full joy in the life of the Christian.


Christ, as He tried to prepare His apostles for His crucifixion comforted them by telling them that even though they would for a moment feel great sorrow—He would rise again to go to the Father. Once He had gone to be with the Father, He would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of each believer to be their comforter and their guide. His death as atonement for our sin and His resurrection as conqueror over death would be the key that opens the door to our father/child relationship with God. He wanted them to understand that they would be equipped with all they needed to perform the task of evangelization, even though He would not be physically present. They would have direct access through prayer to request all they needed from the Father themselves. We have (in the name of Christ) direct access to our Heavenly Father.

ebsps0637© Erik Stenbakken/Licensed from

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If I never spend time alone with God, I can never fully understand His goodness, His Glory, His Love toward me, and His Joyous delight in me.

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