Can Fear Engender Faith?

When I walked into the assisted living where mom is now staying, it was about 5 pm. She wasn’t at the dinner table where she normally would be at that time of day. They didn’t serve the food until about 5:30; but she always got there early to “make certain they didn’t forget her.” This time, I found her in her room with the lights off. She was lying in bed and kept saying, “I am just sick because I am so afraid I am going to run out of diapers. I couldn’t even sleep last night.” I went over to her closet to find she had over 50 pull ups there. She was in a complete panic. I could see the fear in her eyes. I tried to comfort her with the reality that she had more than enough to last at least two weeks and that I would bring them later in the week. No decrease in her panic. I reminded her that never over the 13 years that she lived with me did she run out of anything that she needed; because I had always provided. Still, no decrease in her panic. Again, I reminded her that I came regularly with additional things at least 2 times per week. She had a pantry of food in her room that I kept stocked, “just in case they forget her or are late.” Finally, I promised to return the next day with a fresh new supply of 72 more and then she was content.

faith to trust


For me there was the blend of frustration and sadness, that after all I have done to try to ease her anxieties, she was still afraid over what for me are trivial things. Then I realized that for an all-powerful God who has provided for me every step of the way, how often I have sounded just like Mom sounded. Throughout the scripture, God has written; “do not fear for I am with you.” Yet, how often have I in my lifetime felt fear; even panic while awaiting His answer to something I am certain would now seem trivial. How often in my lifetime have I caused God sadness because I didn’t see that He was enough? Jesus wept when the crowd did not recognize that He had come with the gift of life to raise Lazarus from the dead. He had come to demonstrate His Glory that they might have joy in Him; yet, no one saw that(John 11). Have I caused Him to weep when I have failed to trust Him? He is all I need. He is working out the best for me. He has promised to be faithful and to complete the work He began in my life.

Continue reading “Can Fear Engender Faith?”

3 Reflections as We Remember The Fallen Officers

President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation to designate May 15 to “To pay tribute to the law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and to voice our appreciation for all those who currently serve on the front lines of the battle against crime”. So, I wish to take a moment and to honor those men and women who have taken an oath to protect and to serve. They are forced to make a split second judgement which may cost them their life, destroy their own life, or be called a hero for the lives they have saved. They are seriously underpaid, underappreciated, and overly criticized. They are laughed at, spit upon, and too often treated with disdain. They are human and they do make mistakes. Still within their own ranks, they are held to higher standards than you or I and justice does get carried out. Yet, sensationalism drives the popularity rankings of the news media and stirs hearts toward believing lies as truth.

fallen officer

So, what does the Bible say as to how we are to respond toward law enforcement? Look at the word of God written

in Titus 2 and 3 ,(TLB)

Continue reading “3 Reflections as We Remember The Fallen Officers”

4 Reasons God Waits to Display His Glory

The journey had seemed so long and I was tired. Oh, yes; throughout the journey I had watched the mighty hand of God guide my every step. I had watched His grace as it had shown forth in forgiveness on me His child. I had learned of the depth of His love for me. He was my guiding light throughout the struggles—even during the abusive relationships. God had displayed His majesty as He carried me through the cancer and then the ulcerative colitis. So, when they found the mass on the pancreas there was a part of me that sighed a prayer, “Lord, are you taking me home? I am tired. It has been a long journey. I just want to be with you.” That was 2002. So, obviously; God had a different plan to display His Glory to me here on earth. He knew I still needed to learn that He was my joy, my hope, and my everlasting love here. He knew my prayer to go home and leave this world was a cry to leave the pain because I didn’t know how to bask in His joy, love, and hope here. He knew that for me to fully experience heaven with Him one day, I needed to realize how majestic He really is and I needed to learn that here first. I needed my eyes to learn to see Glory first. Steadily, patiently, slowly He has continued His work of transforming my heart so I might see His Glory and His Majesty with greater clarity.

All too often, we are very impatient in our desire to have our prayers answered. We, too often, become discouraged while waiting for God to answer or to fulfill a promise which we may be clinging to with all our heart.

awed by gloryoriginal photo used by permission of Jim Peregoy

Yet, God knows when our heart is ready to see His Glory in the miracle before us; so, He waits. He knows when we will know that without Him there is no hope left—so we might feel the magical awe of watching Him intervene for us. When, all the hope of our own efforts is gone; He can display His might in such a manner that we will give Him all the Glory and hence we will feel the overwhelming joy of watching His love bestowed on us.

Remember the story of Lazarus, Mary and Martha?

Continue reading “4 Reasons God Waits to Display His Glory”

Fully Alive to Joy In Christ

Power-filled Positive Living—Chapter 20A-Fully Alive to Joy in Christ

It had been 4 weeks since the surgery and yet, here I was still in the hospital and still unable to eat or keep down any nourishment. It had been a small bowel obstruction which required surgery to open. I had no colon because of the previous surgeries and the small bowel obstruction had caused the small intestines to be so stretched and swollen that there seemed to be permanent damage. It was questionable whether they would ever awaken to function again. I was the only supporter of myself and mom, I needed to get well. Yet, if you entered my room you would hear praise songs coming from a CD player and you would be greeted with a genuine joy filled smile. Why? Because I had learned over many years of sorrow, that God is Sovereign, God loves me, and God’s plan for my life is perfect. God was and is the source of my joy in the midst of every fiery trial. Don’t misunderstand me—I do still have my moments of doubt or my fears; but, they don’t remain long within my heart or mind. Why? Because God has shown me His Might, His Glory, His Mercy, and His love toward me.

Promises toward me original photo used by permission of Jim Peregoy

What I need you to see is that God loves you with a perfect everlasting love. He sent His only begotten son to pay the price for your rebellious, self-exalting heart so as to provide for you everything that you need to find full joy, hope, glory, and love in Him. In Christ, you have the power to live a life fully Alive. In Christ you are God’s Beloved, Blessed, Chosen, Redeemed Child.

In Christ, You are heir of God’s Kingdom, heir of all of God’s Promises, heir of God’s righteousness and joint heirs with Christ. In Christ you are declared a Saint because of Christ’s righteousness being freely poured out to cover your sin. In Christ, you have been given the Holy Spirit to indwell you, to comfort you, to strengthen you and to provide you with unique Spiritual gifts that can be used for the Kingdom of God.

Continue reading “Fully Alive to Joy In Christ”

I Turned and Saw the Face of God




Original artwork drawn with pencil by RoninRon Custom Art and used by permission.

I Turned and Saw the Face of God

by Effie Darlene Barba


I turned and saw the Face of God

His Glory did surround me

He smiled and gave a wink, a nod

No chaos could confound me


His Grace and Mercy were now mine

His Joy was Mine Abounding

That I might then His Glory shine

And shout His praise resounding


My Life now filled with Joy and hope

Amidst the chaos, pain, and grief

No more I’m left to merely cope

Wrapped in God, my soul’s relief


I’ll sing and dance this song of praise

Mountain peaks or valleys low

Protected by His watchful gaze

Fanning flames of life aglow


Oh what a Gracious Wondrous thought

When His soft voice spoke my name

In sin’s dark lair, my heart distraught

So laden with my guilt and shame


I turned and saw the Face of God

His Glory did surround me

He smiled and gave a wink, a nod

No chaos could confound me


His Grace and Mercy were now mine

His Joy was Mine Abounding

That I might then His Glory shine

And shout His praise resounding

The artist that drew the picture featured above  is Ronald Barba.  Please go to his website ( for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at to discuss any art projects you might have.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.