Faith that makes you fearless and Joy Unimaginable–Can a shattered heart be the catapult to joy?

Let me begin with a huge apology.  For the first time in the 5 years that I have been posting I had to do a complete rewrite.  For those of you who have read the first posting and it really meant something for you; I will gladly send you an email copy for you.  Let me try to explain why I felt I had to rewrite the entire blog.   This morning’s writing was an attempt to “improve” my writing.  I realized after  I got to work that I had drowned you in my history I was hoping to help you see the awesome love of God who remained so faithful to me. I wanted you to know how He patiently took my hand to teach me of how much He loved me; even when I got it all wrong?  He loved me when my theology was all wrong; and, He loved me when I turned my whole world upside down.

follow Jesus


Let me begin by saying my whole purpose for writing.  The very reason I began this blog or wrote any of my books has been to reach out a hand of love to any of the readers that came by.  This week I began taking classes in how to reach a larger audience and so instead of just listening to my heart; I tried to construct a blog the way “it should be.”  But I got it wrong.  What I meant to say this morning is: are you hurting? Have you or are you in the midst of an abusive relationship?  Have you known aching, desperate loneliness?  Have you ever believed you weren’t pretty enough or good enough to be loved?  If so, please understand; I have been there.  I do not say that with any pride or badge of honor.  I just want you to be aware that I know how that feels.  I know the fear and despair of facing cancer all alone; too afraid to tell your children that the doctors don’t think your chances are very good.  I know what it is to go paycheck to paycheck while at the same time trying to hide the truth of your financial devastation from your children. You don’t want them to suffer from your mistakes.  I know what it is to have good meaning christians question your faith or say “that it must be your sin that prevents God from blessing you?” And I know what it is to desperately cry out to God in the middle of the night, “Oh, God; why can’t I get it right?  How can you love me when I keep failing you?”


The truth is–God’s grace has been there every step of this journey.  He has been Sovereignly present. He has been step by step transforming me.  He loved me way too much to leave me the way He found me.  Instead, inch by inch and glory by glory; He is changing me into the image of Christ.  (2Corinthians 3:17-18) I want you to know that He loves you.  You are never too deep, too far, or too lost for Him to find you.  I know; because I have been there.