That One Day When Darkness Covered the Light

Darkness fell across the entire earth, although this was midday.  The sun, the moon and the stars blackened as Christ hung upon the cross.  God’s full wrath and judgement fell upon Christ for our sin.  The utter darkness that covered the earth was not only recorded in Scripture; but also, was recorded by two first century historians.  They were Thallus and Phlegon who recorded that an unexplainable darkness fell upon the land during the reign of Tiberius Caesar during a time of a full moon. These historians reported that the darkness lasted from the 6th to the 9th hour, which is what we call 12 noon to 3 pm now.  Furthermore, they wrote of earthquakes that occurred around the same time which were also unexplained.

Prior to this, Jesus had shown forth such grace and mercy, despite His agony.  He had prayed for His accusers and those who nailed Him to the cross (Luke 23:34).  Then, He offered salvation to the thief who professed belief in Him (Luke 23:43).  Finally, with great compassionate love He asked John to care for His mother (John 19:25-27).  When one considers the beatings His body had endured, the nails driven into His hands and feet, the thorns piercing His brow with blood pouring down, the severe dehydration, the difficulty breathing on a cross, the pain throughout His muscles, and most likely a pericardial effusion reducing the outflow of blood-the fact that He even spoke is miraculous. Much less with such love, compassion, and grace.

A Gracious Glimpse

Continue reading “That One Day When Darkness Covered the Light”

One Detailed Portrait of Christ’s Death Foretold

It was as if they never heard the truth about His impending death, though He told them. Furthermore, all of scripture foretold it.  Yet, they only wanted to hear only what they wished to be true.  They could quickly remember the promises that He would one day establish His Kingdom on earth; but did not understand this could not be done yet.  It could not be done until the full provision for humanity’s salvation from their own sin was accomplished.  That could only be done by God providing the final sacrificial lamb as promised in Genesis 3:15 and 22:8. The only perfect, unblemished lamb that could pay the price once and for all.  Establishing the means of salvation, that all who believe in Him might gain spiritual life eternally with Him, in Him, and through Him.

Just as Daniel predicted, the Messiah arrived into Jerusalem on the exact day predicted in Daniel 9:25.  Yet, all who read Daniel wanted to believe the 70th week of years immediately would follow the 69th week of years.  However, what Daniel wrote was that “after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself” (Daniel 9:26).  Jesus tried to tell them; although they did not listen.   From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day (Matthew 16:21)

He was cut off not for himself; but, rather for our sins.   But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man (Hebrews 2:9).

Details Foretold in Psalm 22

Continue reading “One Detailed Portrait of Christ’s Death Foretold”

The Greatest Question: Who do you say Jesus Is?

The very question that Jesus proposed to his apostles in Matthew 16.  He began by asking who others thought Him to be.  They responded that some thought Him to be a prophet or John the Baptist.  Then, He asked them whom they believed Him to be.  Peter responded, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16).  To which Jesus responded, “Blessed art thou Simon Barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father in heaven” (Matthew 16:17).  Even then, Peter failed to see all the truth.  Yet, it was the first part necessary to salvation.  The rest would soon be revealed. Although Jesus tried to reveal to Him the truth of the cross, his heart was not yet ready.   But it would be soon. Still, the greatest question for you remains, “Who do you say Jesus is?”

Many of those following Christ only wanted a healer and a provider of their physical needs.  Some wanted to be freed from the Roman suppression and bondage.  They were willing to believe in Him, as long as they believed He could change their circumstances.  Yet, they were not really interested in His changing their hearts.  Eager to go on about their merry ways, untransformed—they only wanted what He could give them to make life easier; but they really did not want an intimate spiritual relationship with Him.  So, they could say Jesus is a healer, a prophet, or even the King of the Jews if it got them what they wanted.  But if He didn’t change their earthly circumstance here and now, well, they wanted no part of Him. Much like many who fill our pulpits and church pews today!


Jesus Is the Son of God

Peter had no problem believing that Jesus is the only begotten son of God.  He had seen enough of His miracles to fully believe this truth.  Furthermore, this was clearly affirmed again to Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration.  However, he did not see yet his desperate need of a Savior, nor accept that Jesus Christ would be the final Sacrificial lamb.  Regardless of the many times Jesus told Peter that He would be handed over to die on a cross and be resurrected, Peter would not accept that as truth.

Neither did Peter fully recognize the necessity of Christ’s crucifixion. Nor did Peter understand the Old Testament Scripture foretelling this fact.  The Scribes and Pharisees certainly ignored the truth of prophecy as well.  But for Peter, this had to become very personal.  He would have to first realize his own desperate need of a Savior to pay for and cover all his sinful heart.

Of all things, Peter prided himself on his loyalty and love for Jesus.  He believed heavily in his own will power to do what was right, follow Jesus and even sacrifice his own life to protect his friend.  After all he left everything to follow Jesus.  Now he relied on his strength to remain close to Jesus and to be the best follower ever.  He failed to see  the shadows of darkness lurking within his own heart, his own sin.  Perhaps it is for that reason he could fully believe that Jesus is the Son of God, in all majesty and power; but a sacrificial lamb who would die baring the load of his own sin upon His shoulders?  He did not even realize the necessity for this, until that moment the cock crew thrice and he had denied his Lord and Master.


Jesus is the only way

Perhaps Peter had recognized that he was a sinner before his denial of Christ.  However, he did not see the depths of darkness that lay in his own heart, until then.  He always held firm that he could take control of his own will and follow Jesus in his own strength.  Much like many Christians or some want to be followers of Christ. Some say they believe, but never surrendered their full heart and soul to Him.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).  We cannot reach God by good works.  There are not many paths that lead to God, there is only one.

To be saved, one must first believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, a part of the triune God and as such-Sovereign God Incarnate (God in Human Flesh).  One must then recognize that they are a sinner, eternally separated from God because of their sin.  The chasm that lies between us and God is too great for us to cross on our own.  I cannot in my own strength ever become perfect righteousness, no matter how much I want to be or how much I love God.

Therefore, Christ willingly came and paid the penalty for my sin once and for all.  He died and rose again on the third day victorious over sin and death.  The truth of the gospel message is this, “by faith I am saved by grace and not of works.”


Concluding thoughts:

Up to now in this series, we have looked at the fulfillment of old testament scripture in Christ’s birth, life and his entry into Jerusalem . We will further note how His death and resurrection were perfectly foretold in detail throughout the Old Testament.  No other faith or religion can stand with such proof provided over the entire lifespan of the Universe, through many writers; yet, all be fulfilled.

This is only possible because God is Sovereign, and Jesus is who He claimed to be: the only begotten son of God who came to be the final unblemished Sacrificial lamb.  He is the Savior, the Messiah, the great high priest and the risen King who sits at the right hand of God daily making intercession for all who believe in Him.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Furthermore, if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here

Books Available

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Series:  Finding Faith on the Road to Emmaus

Why is it Important that Jesus be a Priestly King?

Why Did They Reject Jesus as King?

Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem. Why Really?

Did Jesus Come to Offer Salvation to All?

How to Certainly Know Jesus As the Lion of Judah

 God Works All Things According to His Will

How Can I Be Certain Jesus is the Christ?

Was Jesus the Savior they Waited For?

How was Christ’s Suffering a Part of His Glory?

Why is it so Important to Know All the Truth?

How Faith is Found on the Road to Emmaus


Whatever the Cost

Trust in You

Thy Greatest Glory Be Thy Love Poured Out On Calvary


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Why is it Important that Jesus be a Priestly King?

Long before the Levitical system was laid out, God had chosen a priestly king to be a part of the story.  Melchisedek was a portrait in sense of Jesus Christ.  King of Salem, Melchisedek was “the priest of the most High God (Genesis 14:18).”  If we thought God’s calling forth of Abraham meant full exclusivity, we would be wrong.  There were others who followed God’s command even during that time separate from Abraham and his descendants. We know this also from reading the book of Job.  One such follower of God was Melchisedek, King of Salem.  Not only was Melchisedek King of Salem, it is designated that he was chosen by God to be a priest.  His very name means king of righteousness.  Thus, He was a King and a Priest. The lineage for Kings among the Jewish nation was King David. Priests were to be Levites.

Melchisedek was a priestly King during this time.  There occurred a battle amongst several kings including the King of Sodom, the King of Elam, and the King of Gomorrah. During the battle, the lands and possession of Lot were taken as were those of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham went out and rescued his nephew Lot, along with his possessions.  In doing so Abraham also regained the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah.  On his return, he was met by Melchisedek, King of Salem who was never mentioned as part of the battle.  Abraham was also met by the King of Sodom.


A Priestly King Arrives

Continue reading “Why is it Important that Jesus be a Priestly King?”

Whatever the Cost-A Poem for Good Friday

Whatever the Cost


It was a cross that set me free

And purchased there my victory

While Jesus there my case did plead

So willingly to die and bleed

Never shirking such wretched pain

He bore my sin, it’s crimson stain

To cloak me with His righteousness

Though I am merely nothingness


I have no Glory I can bring

No accolades of which to sing

Until I find my place in Him

From darkness, then His light can beam

Upon a World so filled with need

That then my heart desires to plead

On bended knees, their case in prayer

I willingly my cross do bear


Whatever sorrow I must face

To point the lost to God’s dear Grace

Dear Lord, my life I give to You

To do with as You wish to do

My journey guided by Your hand

Your strength alone on which I stand

So, take my life and let it be

Whatever You desire for me


And If for me you choose a cross

That I might count all gain but loss

Compared to You, my Lord and King

My Joy will still Your praises sing


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link.  There is nothing more important than this; because,  He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.


If you have a prayer request email me by clicking here

Furthermore, if you would like to tell me your story or thoughts  comment here


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2018
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash