What is the Big Deal with Hypocrisy?

The earliest church was made up of many pilgrims who arrived into Jerusalem for Jewish events, found Jesus, and stayed.  That did make for some unique challenges.  Where would they all stay? How would they be fed, clothed, and housed?  Furthermore, the Jewish Priests, Sadducees and leaders wanted their voices squelched.  Yet, if they returned home too soon, they would leave unprepared, since the only preachers at first were there in Jerusalem.  All the new converts needed to grow in their knowledge of Christ before heading out to spread the gospel throughout the world.  Satan had tried to silence them with a threat; but that only lead to praise worship and more converts.  Now he would try to sow seeds of hypocrisy within their own ranks.  So, what is the big deal with hypocrisy within this early church? For that we turn to Acts 5.

First, lets take a step back to the last few verses of Acts 4.  As pointed out, this early church was challenged with problems housing and feeding some 20,000 people.  Furthermore, the church kept expanding in size so rapidly.  There were some among the church who with open hearts of love sold land that they had, gave everything to the apostles to distribute among the needy within this newly formed community of believers.  One such person was Barnabas.  Throughout the book of Acts, we come to learn of his heart.  He loved Jesus, was so overwhelmingly filled with gratitude for his salvation that he was compelled to love and share everything for the sake of Jesus name.  Always humble, he used his liberty in Christ to be a comforter and giver.  As a result, everyone loved him in return for his kindness.

Where Hypocrisy Entered

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One United Prayer of Praise! How with Perilous Threats?

Peter, John and the healed cripple stood before the court.  They were threatened.  The command to them?  Never speak the name of Jesus again in Jerusalem!  Despite the perilous threats, when released they joined other Christians in one United prayer of Praise. Why?

The priests included the same who paid the Roman Guards to lie and say Jesus body was stolen.  Knowing the truth, they paid for a lie and persisted in denying Christ.  Now this miracle, evidence of the power of Jesus they wanted to squelch before people believed.  After all, their reputations and political power were at stake. Peter boldly accused them of killing the long-awaited Messiah.  Even though, He offered a means of salvation, their arrogant pride forbids the acknowledgement of truth. The crowd who were witness to this newest miracle and all the new converts frightened them.  So, once more they doubled down on their threats but let Peter, John and the man go.  Joyously praising God, they joined other Christians.

They could have just said, ok.  After all next time could mean imprisonment and death.  If fact, we find that to be the case as we move through the history of the early church.  They knew full well the danger ahead of them.  It was possible to go into hiding, avoid the priests.  However, for them it was not an option they considered.  After all, they knew the truth.  They realized that the gospel message was the only treasure worth having on this earth and throughout eternity.  Joy could only be found in knowing Jesus Christ.  Whatever the perilous threats, their hearts compelled them to tell the world before it was too late.  So, in one United Prayer of Praise they lifted their voice to God, asking for boldness to continue spreading the gospel message.

Facing Perilous Threats

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What If You Were Forbidden to Speak of Jesus?

As Peter preached the name of Jesus with the temple courts, 5000 men were saved.  How many women and children?  We are not told the total number.  There Peter stood with John and the healed cripple.  Of course, the Sadducees, rulers, and priests were alarmed by the response of the people to Peter’s preaching.  They had to do something! So, they took Peter, John, and the recently healed man into custody.  After considering everything for the night, they made an offer to Peter, John and the healed cripple.  “You may all go free; but you are forbidden to speak the name of Jesus anywhere.”  What would your response be?  I daresay that we are facing that same dilemma.  Perhaps for us it is subtle.  You can’t profess that Jesus is the only way of salvation!  That is not “inclusive”.

Some would tell us, “You are spreading hate if you say that Jesus is the only way of Salvation.” However, isn’t the opposite true?  Knowing that “there is no other name under heaven by which men might be saved”, would it not be an act of hate to remain silent and not tell others? Allah, as worshipped by the Muslims, is not the same God! Because, they deny that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate and that He died to pay the penalty for our sins.  The “good man” ideology concerning Jesus taught by Hindus while worshipping hundreds of gods misses all hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Even the Jews who do not accept Christ as their Messiah are lost.  We must speak the name of Jesus Christ not only in our words; but also, our actions of love, devotion, and lifestyle.  Proclaiming the truth of what He has done.

When Forbidden to Speak of Jesus

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How to Really Speak the Truth Boldly

In the name of Jesus Christ, the man lame from birth was healed.  He was leaping, jumping and dancing around Peter and John as they entered Solomon’s court.  There they came to the temple in Jerusalem to pray.  Surrounding them were Jewish people who also came to pray.  Many of them, very devout in their prayer, steeped in Jewish rituals.  They had seen the crippled man lying at the gate.  The gnarled appearance of his feet and ankles certainly etched in the memories of many.  Yet, here he was dancing and praising God.  The crowd gathered and Peter, led by the Holy Spirit began to preach.  Not long before, these same people had screamed for Christ to be crucified.  Furthermore, even Peter in fear and confusion denied Christ during the hours of His trial. Despite all that, Peter began to speak the truth boldly to the crowd.

How did he have the strength to do that?  We need to know!  Afterall, we are faced daily with people telling us that the gospel of Christ is wrong.  The crowds surrounding us would either scream “crucify Him” or they would merely “change” His message to make it “socially acceptable” in their obscured vision of reality.  Yet, Peter in Acts 3 spoke very boldly.  He was thrown in jail; but that after many came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Are we willing to really speak the truth boldly regardless of the price to ourselves?  If not, why not?  How can we speak the truth boldly without compromising?  Let’s examine his sermon and let us look prayerfully as to how we too can speak the truth boldly.

Peter’s Sermon Begins With

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Miracle of God, His Timing & The Faith to Stand

Acts 3 begins with the story of a Miracle.  There was a man crippled from birth who laid by the Gate Beautiful near Solomon’s court asking for money.  His family would take him there daily.  This had been his daily routine for all his life to lie at the gate as people entered for prayer; because, this occurred nearing the hour of prayer at the temple in Jerusalem.  Peter and John saw him, heard his plea for money and stopped.  He thought they were about to give him money.  However, instead they gave him a miraculous gift of healing.  This was a Miracle of God, given on His timing which lead to this man’s faith to stand.  Certainly, from the story, we know that he had been laid there daily for years.  Therefore, how many times did he watch, hoping and praying for Jesus to notice him and heal him?

Furthermore, there he lay daily at the gate of the temple in Jerusalem.  He must have heard of all that happened concerning Jesus.  Most likely, he was there when Jesus rode in on a donkey.  Probably when Jesus overthrew the money tables, he lay at the gate watching.  No doubt he heard that this healer Jesus was placed on trial and crucified.  Was he lying there when the sky turned black as the wrath of God poured out upon Jesus in our place? It was the same hour.  He must have heard people talking about the resurrection.  Had he heard about the miracle at Pentecost?  All of this happened; yet, he lay at the gate with his feet and ankles gnarled unable to walk.  How many years did he pray for a miracle of God?  However, God performed that miracle on His timing, giving Him the faith to stand.

A Miracle of God on His Timing

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