We Worship a Risen Lord–Part 1: Foretold in Scripture

We Worship a Risen Lord As Foretold in Scripture.

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

Key to the gospel message is this:  Christ died on a cross paying the price justly deserved by humanity.  Therefore, the unblemished shed His blood as an atonement for the sins of the ungodly, unrighteous who deserved death of whom we all are.  But if that was all, there would be no reason to rejoice at His death.  That is, apart from this truth! God raised Him from the dead, victorious over death, sin and hell. He returned to His throne seated at the right hand of the Father.  And because of that He can offer eternal life to all who will believe and accept Him as Lord and Savior of their life.

Foretold in Scripture

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How to Wait with Patience. Who? Me?

Patience is not a trait I seem to have much of.  A lesson God has worked on in my heart for a long time.  Yet, just when I think I have it, I am tested and again find I have none.  In part, I am a “doer” in a sense.  The one not satisfied until I have mastered a computer skill, solved the medical mystery of a patient’s symptoms, or to find the solution of how to do it better.  All of which are good traits in their right place.  However, when asked to wait with patience, I don’t fair so well.  I want the answer now!  For me it is not always a lack of faith.  I know and trust that God can and does desire to do the best.  Yet, I just wish sometimes He did not ask me to wait.  Is that when doubt arises? Definitely!

Doubt about Him?  Not really, the doubt arises as to me.  What if I mess it up? Could it be that my failures could change it before it is realized?  What if?

Recently, this has presented itself with blaring tones, once more.  A decision was made to move me into a position I had wanted.  It truly was miraculous how it happened.  How marvelously God works His wonders!  Then, everything slowed down to a crawl to await credentialing.  So, I with great patience wait?  I wish I could say yes.  But alas, that is not the case.

Called to Wait with Patience, yet how?

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How to Stop Being Defeated by the Evil Within

Christ Jesus won the victory over sin and death at the cross.  He defeated my sin once and for all when He paid the price for my sin at the cross, receiving the full wrath of God against sin.  My penalty of death was eradicated once and for all.  Then He victoriously rose from the grave, providing a way for me to be eternally united with God. Spiritually alive the moment I first believe and accept His gift of salvation.  Knowing He has won the victory, why do I still struggle so much with the evil within?  Why do I so often feel defeated?  Shouldn’t I be able to live my life fully devoted to Him? But I don’t always! Yet, what if I told you hidden in Romans 6, are 5 strategies of battle to win every time.  To stop being defeated by the evil within)!

Wouldn’t that be worth knowing?

Our spiritual journey is much like our life journey here on earth.  We are continuously looking forward to the next step, thinking there is where we will finally find the peace and joy we seek.  Seldom do we relish the moments now.  Shouldn’t we relish each moment along the journey?

Remember back! How much you longed to grow up, be your own person.  Finally, you would move past school into a career, only to find yourself longing for retirement. Then once retired, so many discover it wasn’t what they imagined it to be.  Now their days filled with loneliness, despair and heartbreak.  Some wanted marriage and family, only to discover that they longed for just some “me” time apart from the hustle and bustle of family.  We relate well with Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes 1:14 “all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”

The Evil Within

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How to Know Steadfast Joy to Overcome Tragic Suffering

If I tried to tell you that tragedy, pain, and suffering just will not come into your life; you would know I was lying.  Tragic suffering comes at us from all sides.  Whether that be the widow or widower overwhelmed by grief, the fear of an unseen enemy, or it be the deep dark sorrows hidden within your heart. Tragic suffering surrounds us. Just as Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”.

Right now, the world is facing a virus.  A microscopic evil so tiny yet has brought the world to a sudden halt.  Fear, economical chaos, and death counts all keep rising.  We are forced to confront the idea that we are no invincible when something so tiny with no ability to reason can wreak such havoc.  It just floats from person to person at random; yet, it’s power to destroy our lives is evident.  No longer can we take for granted all the blessings we were living.  Tragic suffering that came upon us so suddenly.

Yet, is that not a lot like sin.  We cannot see it; but its effects have been producing such tragic consequences since human life began.  We have seen it in the bitter fighting throughout our nation, the disdain for those who protect us, the slithering of evil into every institution, the mass shootings, and the careless disrespect of life from the fetus to the aged senior citizen. Our world was running rampantly out of control before it was brought to a sudden halting screech by another tiny invisible force.

But what if I told you, this is nothing new. Not really.  And even in such times, there are 3 truths for you to know steadfast joy-ever abiding within you to overcome the effects of tragic suffering in your life.

Rejoicing Steadfast Joy to Overcome Tragic Suffering

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How Is Being Justified by Faith a Source of Hope?

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

How Can Being Justified by Faith be a Source of Hope? Even amid our darkest valleys of life, knowing Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord brings hope, joy, and peace into our darkness.  So, as we break this down step by step, my desire is that you do find comfort, hope and peace in Him.


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