I daresay deep within each human heart is an overwhelming desire to be Loved. The ability and the desire to love were given to us by our creator, although its power over us can be so mysterious at times. The depth of our ability to love another, desiring their continuous presence. Wanting to know everything we can about our beloved. Never satisfied from our insatiable desire of even just sitting in their presence. Proclaiming to everyone we meet of how wonderful our beloved truly is. Yet, in all that, did you ever consider this is but a glimpse of what it is to really know the truest love of all? A tiny glimpse at best to experiencing the truest love of all! Our human love, at its absolute best is minuscule compared to the love we can really know with Jesus, our dear Lord.
However, what a magnificent God to have created us in such a manner that we might know and experience love here upon this earth. A foreshadowing, however dimmed it might be, of what it is to know and feel His love above all else. We tend to believe that love is the ultimate of feelings which can cause our hearts to soar above all of life’s trials, if only for our beloved. But have you ever considered what it truly is to experience fully the truest love of all? That is the love God calls us to. He wants us to love Him with all our hearts, our strength, our minds, and souls; because, He knows therein we will experience the sweetest, most exuberant joy we could ever know.
Hence why He would include this love song in the Bible describing the truest love of all in a story we can comprehend.
A Parable of Sorts
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