Let me never forget the love of Christ for me!

When sorrows surround me and storms threaten my life, let me never forget the love of Christ for me.   No fear can enter my heart, if I truly remember the love of Christ.  Though He tarry His return, I can wait with patience, knowing He loves me with His perfect love.  Having paid the ultimate price to save me, “there is therefore now no condemnation” (Romans 8:1)  that can be mine.  And nothing can ever separate me “from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). And everything in between is His perfecting my love toward Him, that I might reflect His Heart to the world.

So as we finish the Song of Songs, consider this.  Let us never forget the love of Christ for us.  Only then can we face this world with joy, hope, peace, and love.  Strengthened by His mighty power, we can soar above all the sorrows and trials of this world.

I Am My Beloved’s

Continue reading “Let me never forget the love of Christ for me!”

Until that Day, I will Await My Beloved King

Oh that I would seek Him in the dark of the night just as a new love seeks and longs for her beloved.  Give me Your strength, Lord that I might always await my Beloved King.  Forsaking all else, to keep my eyes on Him.  That is the love I seek.  For all true love upon this earth is but a shadow of His love toward me.

That is the song sung forth by the bride as she longed for her bridegroom.  He had gone away to prepare a place for her in His Father’s house; but she misses Him sorely with all of her being.  It’s hard to remember the sweetness of His presence while He is gone.  Yet, I must seek Him my beloved King in the middle of the night to arise to seek His face.  This is the cry of the Shulamite to her king and it must be our cry to our Beloved King of Kings, seeking Him with all our heart and soul.

A Troubled Night-Song of Solomon Chapter 3


The Shulamite Continue reading “Until that Day, I will Await My Beloved King”

Until the day breaks, I trust in my Beloved

I trust in my beloved.  He loves me with His perfect love, protecting and hiding me in the cleft of the rock.  His banner of love covers me, protecting me from the little foxes that wish to destroy the fruit of His vine.  Let me seek Him like a lovesick bride for her groom.  Praying, calling forth His name, for He finds my voice sweet to His ears.  The king of kings wants to hear me call to Him, imagine that.  So why would I worry or fret?

So, as we read chapter two of the song of songs, imagine yourself as the Shulamite and Jesus the Beloved.  For He truly is the Beloved and I pray that you too will come to trust in my Beloved.  He loves you and calls to you to be His.


The Beloved

Continue reading “Until the day breaks, I trust in my Beloved”

How to Truly Follow Him Whom I Love

Is that not what we need to know?  How am I to truly follow after Jesus, seeking Him whom I love? Perhaps that is the key.  Do I truly seek Him as the one whom I love above all else?  Do I search for Him, long for Him as the One whom I love above all else?  He who is perfect love Himself, do I seek His presence above all else?  Do I see Him as my Beloved?  Let’s look again at the Song of Songs, with some excerpts from Charles Hadden Spurgeon’s sermons as he so desired to always remember that Jesus as “the one whom I love.

The Banquet With the One Whom I Love

Continue reading “How to Truly Follow Him Whom I Love”

A Song of Songs to My Beloved King of Kings

A Song of Songs to My Beloved King of Kings


A Song of Songs to Thee I sing

My Lord of Lord, the King of Kings

Oh Lord I long to see Thy face

Thine eyes of love, Thy lips of Grace

Whom else on earth have I but thee

To lift my heart with songs of glee


Oh, Lord I know this feeble heart

At times does stray, from thee depart

To seek another’s love as mine

Or search for treasures rich and fine


When storm clouds hide thy lovely face

The pains and sorrows I embrace

Forgetting all thou art and BE

Lord open please my eyes to see

Thy Glory Lord surrounding me

Remind me Lord one day I will be

Your lovely bride eternally


Thy Joy and Love run after me

To break these chains and set me free

That I might be forever thine

Abiding in the one true vine


So, now beloved please hold me tight

Thy warm sweet breath be my delight

Do not allow me drift from thee

Until my eyes can only see


That I am thine and thou art mine

Our hearts forever then entwine

As here I bow with tear stained face

Enraptured by Amazing Grace

All else this earth could offer me

Is nothing Lord compared to Thee

Concluding thoughts

Oh how I long to see Him face to face.  For now I see glimpses of His perfect love for me, His wonder, majesty and grace.  Until He calls me home let me always sing.

[bctt tweet=”A Song of Songs to Thee I sing My Lord of Lord, the King of Kings That I am thine and thou art mine Our hearts forever then entwine” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”All else this earth could offer me Is nothing Lord compared to Thee” username=”effiedarlene”]


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2020
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.