Is there a way to know peace in an uncertain world like we live in today? We look around us. It appears evil wins every time and we wonder how? Has God forsaken us? Or have we failed Him so miserably that He must allow all this? Where can we rest our heads even for a moment? How are we to know of His peace and His joy when everywhere we turn evil and sickness abound. Certainly, many would call us foolish to even believe in God, much less surrender to His will. Yet, we are called to total surrender, even in an uncertain world, because therein we know peace. There amid the chaos our peace and joy shine forth to a world so desperately in need of Jesus. So, how do we know peace?
It comes through total surrender by faith to Him even in an uncertain world, just as Mary did so long ago.
Four hundred years passed since the last prophet Malachi had spoken. The world was filled with evil. Darkness prevailed, hope a distant word. Perhaps some remembered and clung to the promises hidden in Isaiah’s word.
“By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
In Galilee of the Gentiles.
2 The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
Upon them a light has shined. Isaiah (9: 1-2)
An Uncertain World filled with Darkness
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