Total Surrender in An Uncertain World.  How to Know Peace!

Is there a way to know peace in an uncertain world like we live in today?  We look around us.  It appears evil wins every time and we wonder how?   Has God forsaken us?  Or have we failed Him so miserably that He must allow all this?  Where can we rest our heads even for a moment?  How are we to know of His peace and His joy when everywhere we turn evil and sickness abound.  Certainly, many would call us foolish to even believe in God, much less surrender to His will.  Yet, we are called to total surrender, even in an uncertain world, because therein we know peace.  There amid the chaos our peace and joy shine forth to a world so desperately in need of Jesus.  So, how do we know peace?

It comes through total surrender by faith to Him even in an uncertain world, just as Mary did so long ago.

Four hundred years passed since the last prophet Malachi had spoken.  The world was filled with evil.  Darkness prevailed, hope a distant word.  Perhaps some remembered and clung to the promises hidden in Isaiah’s word.

By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
In Galilee of the Gentiles.
The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
Upon them a light has shined. Isaiah (9: 1-2)

An Uncertain World filled with Darkness

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How to Wait Patiently on God in The Storm

One of the hardest things as humans is to wait at all, much less to wait patiently.   Often when we pray, we want God to fix everything, immediately.  Certainly, we do not want to hear, “God is stretching your faith or teaching you to wait patiently!”  We just do not want to be told that. Yet, God always has a purpose.  Both in His waiting and in allowing us to go through the storm.  Sometimes it is hard for us to see.  It was hard for Zacharias.

Year after year he performed his duties as priest.  He so wanted to have a child.  His wife Elizabeth was barren.  I am certain as a priest, people whispered that perhaps something was not right in his life.  Having children was a symbol in that day of God’s favor.  So, Elizabeth went about her duties as wife, while the gossipers whispered.  Perhaps they grew accustomed to this; but still an inner sadness was there.  Were they not faithful to God?  Luke tells us:

they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well advanced in years.  (Luke 1:6-7)

So how were they to wait patiently?

Remaining Faithful while Waiting

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What Really Undeniably Proves, Jesus is the Christ?

Are there undeniable proofs that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah and what does that matter to us today?  P the argument presented by Luke. How?  As a physician, Luke was meticulous in his observations.  Furthermore, he studied every detail of the Old Testament Prophecy, demonstrating it’s  perfect fulfillment in Jesus.  As an astute investigative reporter with accuracy and truth his goal, he gathered the information from all the eyewitnesses.  Skilled in conveying information, he wrote in a highly organized manner.  So, as we embark on this study of the Gospel According to Luke, let us open our eyes and hearts to see the magnificent truth of Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of all the Old Testament Prophecies, confirming God’s Unfailing Plan for us and His Sovereignty over all:  yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Since [as is well known] many have undertaken to compile an orderly account of the things which have been fulfilled among us [by God], exactly as they were handed down to us by those [with personal experience] who from the beginning [of Christ’s ministry] were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word [that is, of the teaching concerning salvation through faith in Christ], it seemed fitting for [a]me as well, [and so I have decided] after having carefully searched out and investigated all the events accurately, from the very beginning, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus; so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been [b]taught [that is, the history and doctrine of the faith] (Luke 1:1-4 Amplified[1]).

Jesus is the Christ

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Who will Stand Firm in the Faith Now for Righteousness?

As we come to the close of our study in Isaiah, I want to stop for a moment and review the story of King Hezekiah.  I mentioned him back when we began this series of study in Isaiah titled Can hope be found in judgment? How?[1]  The story of the times of Isaiah with God’s hand of judgment and grace are as true today as they were then.  Israel and Judah, the divided kingdoms both chose to disobey God.  Evil had grown within them, although there was a remnant of faithful followers.  God asked them, as He does us, “Who will Stand Firm in the Faith Now for Righteousness?

Isaiah the prophet had lived during the times of the reign of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, and then was killed by King Manasseh (who it is said cut him in half with a saw).  Throughout his prophecies, Isaiah told the people of coming judgment.  Indeed when the Syrians had overthrown the northern tribes of Israel and had surrounded the city of Jerusalem, Isaiah told King Ahaz, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.  Isaiah 7:9 (NIV).  He chose not to trust God and instead built altars to worship pagan gods to appease the Assyrians.  When King Ahaz had died, Assyria threatened the city of Jerusalem; but God was about to miraculously give Judah one more chance of grace before judgment came upon the people. That He did through his servant King Hezekiah.

What about now?

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How to Have Victory Over Evil Forces

Evil forces surround us.  Spiritual Warfare is going on whether we choose to accept that truth or not.  Demonic spirits are at war for your minds and have been ever since Satan first whispered his lies to Eve so long ago.  Paul warned us of this truth in Ephesians 6:12  we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [c]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

What with all that has been going on, we must awaken and see the reality that evil forces surround us.  They seek to control by gaining control of human thoughts.  This they achieve easily through first watering down truth, instilling lies, and through subtle suggestions presented in everything we watch, read, and are taught.  Then, once they have the mind programmed with fear, confusion, relativism, pride, and a false self-awareness, they easily get people to act.  Having invaded the thoughts, those perpetrating the evil even believe they are doing it for the good of all the world.  Therefore, whatever their actions and whatever it takes, they willingly do for the good of mankind.  Or so they think.  Blinded to the truth, they no longer can distinguish right from wrong; but genuinely believe they are the creators of truth and all must agree with them.

It is evident evil forces have invaded our schools, our societies, our nation, our churches, and our lives because we silently stood by and allowed this to happen.  So, what now?  I propose there are 7 steps that every follower of Christ must do for us individually and then as a nation to have victory over evil forces.

Is God Really Listening?

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