Within the nation, as also the church, there are many unknown servants. They are the janitors, the secretaries, the people who park cars, the police, and those without whom no nation, business or church can survive. Yet, their names are seldom remembered. They serve in menial positions for minimal compensation. Furthermore, they often sacrifice more than God’s servants who rise to fame; but, they do not seek fame. They willingly perform their tasks with diligence, laying their hearts and even their lives on the line for us. Unknown servants of God are certainly not unknown to Him.
The wall was built, civil laws re-established including immigration reform, taxes, and tithes within Jerusalem. Now, Nehemiah had the people cast lots to determine who would reside in Jerusalem and who would go to the surrounding villages. Those going to the surrounding villages would be able to farm the land, have livestock, and live a life without the stress of the city. However, those who drew the “short-straw” would remain in the city. They would be tasked with being guards, cleaning the streets, maintaining the temple and the city. Laborers for the good of the people, who would most likely live lives without the abundance that those in the villages.
Nehemiah 11:1-2
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