What About the Unknown Servants of God and Nation?

Within the nation, as also the church, there are many unknown servants.  They are the janitors, the secretaries, the people who park cars, the police, and those without whom no nation, business or church can survive. Yet, their names are seldom remembered.  They serve in menial positions for minimal compensation. Furthermore, they often sacrifice more than God’s servants who rise to fame; but, they do not seek fame.  They willingly perform their tasks with diligence, laying their hearts and even their lives on the line for us.  Unknown servants of God are certainly not unknown to Him.

The wall was built, civil laws re-established including immigration reform, taxes, and tithes within Jerusalem.  Now, Nehemiah had the people cast lots to determine who would reside in Jerusalem and who would go to the surrounding villages.  Those going to the surrounding villages would be able to farm the land, have livestock, and live a life without the stress of the city.  However, those who drew the “short-straw” would remain in the city.  They would be tasked with being guards, cleaning the streets, maintaining the temple and the city.  Laborers for the good of the people, who would most likely live lives without the abundance that those in the villages.

Nehemiah 11:1-2

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Why Tithes, Taxes and Immigration Reform are Important?

The wall completed. Law and order restored to protect the people through establishing guards to police and guard the walls.  Border Security arranged.  A covenant to God signed and sealed.  Now, for the government to work; they needed an immigration policy, taxes and tithes.  Because of revival, all the people, now, in agreement to follow God’s laws. Of note, in Nehemiah 10, taxes were decreased; while tithes remained at 10%.  The people were poor, because,  of their recent exile.  There had been greed and abuse among the leaders of the nation, which Nehemiah dealt with. Remember earlier, a revolt had broken out due to this?  That was covered in, “How did Nehemiah deal with greed and abuse?”   Now, there would be tax reform as well.  The leaders had all signed the covenant to serve God.

“And the rest of the people…all who separated themselves from the pagan people of the land in order to obey the Law of God…joined their leaders and bound themselves with an oath.  They swore a curse on themselves if they failed to obey the Law of God as issued by His servant Moses.  They solemnly promised to carefully follow all the commands, regulations, and decrees of the Lord our Lord” (Nehemiah 10:28-29 TLB).


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Why are Ceremony and History Really Important?

During the reading of the law, they came to a passage in the scripture referring to an important ceremony called the feast of the tabernacles.  This feast was one of remembrance of their history as a nation.  It began on the 15th day of the seventh month to last for seven full days. During those seven days, they were to live in booths, to praise God for the harvest.  This ceremony had been neglected by the children of Israel.  Remarkably, they read this portion of the law on the 2nd day of the seventh month.

Suddenly, they stopped everything to gather the all the fruits of the land and to build the booths, to reestablish this ceremony, to remember their history, and to praise God for keeping His covenant throughout the years, regardless of their having so often failed as a nation before God.  It was a reminder that God “made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when (He) brought them out of the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 23:43).  A reminder that God, “I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 23:43).

Note: God remains in control of every detail of our lives.  It was no coincidence that they reached this passage just in time to prepare for the feast of the tabernacle; because, God knew the importance of His people to remember history and to have ceremonies to help them recall all He had done.

The Ceremony, a Celebration of History

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How to Rebuild the Infrastructure, United as One

Despite all the opposition, the wall and gates stood picturesque against the sky.   The opposition depressed and defeated:  “much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God” (Nehemiah 6:16).  Our labors are not in vain; even when the going gets very tough, we must remember God is our strength and the victory is His.  The wall was complete; but, there were other tasks that still lay ahead for the nation.  Nehemiah named his brother Hanani as governor over Jerusalem; because “he was a faithful man, and feared God.”  Now with the wall completed, they turned to other necessary work; because, the infrastructure needed repair. “the city was large and spacious: but, the people in it were few, and the houses were not rebuilt” (Nehemiah 7:4 NKJV).

Before moving forward, Nehemiah did four important things; because, he knew just having the wall would not keep the people safe without rules and regulations guarding them.  The people needed an infrastructure built upon rules and regulations established by God, to protect them from heresy.  Ever since King Solomon’s inclusion of so many ideologies through his bringing in so many wives from other nations and allowing them to build idolatrous altars to other gods; the nation had waxed and waned.  When so many did not truly embrace their own ideologies, the nation had become a melting pot of ideas that turned them away from worshipping the true God.  This had led them to not have any national pride; ultimately, leading to captivity instead.   There loss of strength and position had begun within; by having so many who did not love the nation nor it’s ideas.


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How to Be Victorious When the Enemy Attacks

The enemy attacks remain persistent when we are doing the work of the Lord.  The greater the work, the nearer its completion the more ferocious will be the attacks.  Satan uses threats, lies, and whatever means he can to cause doubt, disruption, sorrow, and fear.  This was the case for Nehemiah as well.  The enemy continued to send invitations to Nehemiah to come, take a break from the work, and meet with them so they could negotiate a plan.  When he declined every invitation, they sent a letter filled with false accusations.  This letter they failed to seal; because, they wanted to spread these false rumors as quickly as possible.   Knowing the hearts of men can be so quickly bent to gossip, they purposefully wanted the false accusations to be leaked to the press of the day.  Surely, that would cause the people to doubt Nehemiah, bringing about a revolt.

Nehemiah’s reply was swift.  “Your words are all lies.  What you accuse me of are what you, yourself, are guilty of.”  You see, the letters accused Nehemiah of doing all this to gain fame, fortune, and power over the people of Israel.  But, that was what Sanballat had plotted to do.  In fact, he had married his daughter to one of the high priests in Jerusalem; so that, he might have influence and power.  He knew his daughter would entice the priests to idolatrous worship; that, the power of God within the nation might be thwarted.  Sanballat had seen and heard of God’s power; but, did not worship Him.  Instead, Sanballat wanted to draw God’s people away from God’s favor and into His judgement.  Then, he knew he could overpower them.


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