Critical Analysis of Christianity as a Worldview
How does Christianity stand as a Worldview when placed under the microscope of Internal Consistency, Existential Viability, as well as, Intellectual and Cultural Fecundity? Since these were the criteria under which we examined the Secular Humanists, I believe it only fair to evaluate Christianity by these same three. Today we will look at the first two.
Internal Consistency
Christianity presents a never changing, omnipotent God as creator and sustainer of the Universe. The story presented throughout the scripture is unchanging and consistent from Genesis to Revelation; despite it being written over thousands of years by many writers. The story has not changed. God has remained constant. God created mankind with free will, man chooses evil, God’s grace redeems those who choose His gift. He consistently continues to reveal Himself.
In the Old Testament, He revealed Himself through nature, special revelations and the prophets in the Old Testament. God revealed things before they happened through His prophets with perfect accuracy. He forewarned the people; before judgment would befall them, and always provided them a means to escape the impending trials. If only, they would turn from their sin and seek Him; He would provide a way of salvation. Even when they utterly failed; God remained faithful to His covenant and would draw them back to Himself.
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