Why Is Prayer So Important in My Life?


The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Some seasons of our life seem to go on and on. So it was with the ulcerative colitis. Mine awoke me every morning at 4 am without fail. There was a cycle with my worst pain and incessant trips to the bathroom occurring every morning from 4 am to 8 am. Then it would calm down enough I could get to work. That was when I drug my big recliner into my large walk in closet—my prayer room was created. For 4 hours every morning, it was God and I alone preparing to face the day.

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Over the course of the disease, I developed all the severe side effects from the high doses of steroids. I lost all the muscle tone in my legs making stairs a near impossibility. I grew a mustache and beard. The large “buffalo-hump” between my shoulders ached. My eyes and mouth became lost within the moon shaped face. Fatigue plagued me as there was little hope for sleep those days except the one in three that I allowed myself a sleeping pill. Despite the massive routines of suppositories, cortisone enemas, and pills; nothing controlled this monstrous disease. It was the hours alone with God that gave me the strength to keep going. In those early mornings, I would read scripture and we would just talk. When I looked in the mirror at the stranger staring back at me, I now saw a warrior. I was God’s warrior.

Sometimes as God and I talked, I would ask, “Are you calling me home? I am tired, it has been a long journey and I want to be with you.” Some of those mornings I thought I heard Him whisper “yes”; then, hope came into my heart knowing this pain would end. Then, I would think of the children. Melissa was married, Alberto was gone to college and Ron would graduate soon; then, he would go to Art School in New Jersey. My prayer would then be, “can you wait until fall?” I trusted that God would protect and provide for my children. I knew He would take care of them, if He called me home. I had walked this journey with God long enough to know His plan was best.


Then one morning as I read and prayed, I heard a soft voice say; “My child, I am calling you home; but, it may not be today. It may not be this year or even the next. Just keep your eyes on me and remember I love you.” So, when both my sons left for school that fall, I went to Washington University (Barnes-Jewish Hospital) for surgery to have my colon removed. That was my only hope to get off all these medications and live.


Prayer is one of those great; yet, wondrous mysteries of God. Some would argue, “Why pray? Just trust God as Sovereignly controlling al things and accept His providential will as it occurs in your life.” Yet, Jesus urged us to pray. “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. 24 Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:23-24 NKJV

Jesus, Himself set the example by praying each morning to the Father. Does our prayer change the course of things? There is a long argument well written by C.S. Lewis in his “Letters to Malcomb”. In this, let me take this idea. God is not bound by time and space like you or I. The mystery of prayer’s power is one that we may not fully comprehend until we are standing before Him. Instead of our trying to understand all the mysteries of prayer, let us embrace and enjoy prayer. The sweet communion with our heavenly Father should be something our hearts long for.


The moments alone sitting at His feet should be our longing. There is where with great mysteries my own desires have changed; perhaps, to come into alignment with His. A beautiful and wondrous mystery is just that. [bctt tweet=”Near Him my heart finds comfort, peace, & joy even if He says no to the petition I first had come to ask Him for.” username=”effiedarlene”] Near Him my heart finds comfort, peace, & joy even if He says no to the petition I first had come to ask Him for

The song I chose for you today is Sweet Hour of Prayer

New King James Version (NKJV)Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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