Whatever Life Brings

When God asked me to leave Springfield; there was a part of me that once more felt crushed.  Yet, I would trust Him to have a better plan.  Clearly, I could not trust my own heart.  Today’s poem takes us back to that long, lonely drive to Florida.  Driving a huge overloaded truck and pulling a trailer.  So many long trips alone had I driven over my lifetime.  So many battles with illness, I had felt alone.  I, who thought of myself as a fragile female who desired more than anything to have some one love and protect me from all of life’s trials; was always the one left to overcome so many obstacles alone in this world.  How often, as I walked this journey of life; did I stop to cry and wonder why!!

Ah, but you see: every step of the way; God has been there beside me. There is much more of my story to tell.  That was only a moment in time.


Whatever Life Brings

By Effie Darlene Barba


I felt the tears falling like rain

I did not fully understand

All this sorrow, all of this pain

My broken heart by Your command


Lord I wanted to trust Your heart

When You commanded me to go

It was hard for me to depart

When all within me still said no


And yet, Dear God, I know Your love

That gave Your Precious Son for me

So, help me seek Your will above

All else, though I can’t clearly see


Oh, Lord; please come, give me your peace

And fill me with a faith, Your own

That all this moaning spirit cease

My joy I find in you alone


And crucify my own desire

When not conformed unto Your will

When in the midst of raging fire

Please make my heart be ever still


Help me to see Your loving Grace

That only knows what’s best for me

Help me to seek Your lovely face

And make my selfish thoughts to flee


I need You now to shine your light

So deep within this heart of mine

I cannot change by my own might

Transform my thoughts to Your design


And so whatever you command

I bow before Your throne today

I trust Your Grace to help me stand

Tomorrow’s Grace to show the way


I only want what You want God

So rip from me these lesser things

Alone, this road I’ll gladly trod

And follow You, whatever life brings


Photo Courtesy of  Sergey Zvyagin

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

4 thoughts on “Whatever Life Brings”

  1. Again, a beautiful poem capturing heartfelt emotions like a psalm. We will keep the information you entrusted to us covered in prayer.

  2. Again, a beautiful poem capturing heartfelt emotions like a psalm. We will keep the information you entrusted to us covered in prayer.

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