To Mom: It Seems Like Yesterday-A Poem


Mom is 89 years old and battled bipolar all her life.  It has truly been a battle.  Yet, the one thing true and certain, God has been her fortress and her strength.  She has stood on faith throughout the years and finds Him as her greatest treasure.  She was the one who pointed me to Him.

As a Christian, I have found through the years how much He has taught me to trust Him in every storm of my own life.  Yet, although I have learned to trust His plan in my life, knowing that every tear brings with it a blessing; I find that hard when I look at my children or my mom.  Despite knowing God’s plan is perfect, I grieve when I see them suffer.  However, I know for certain God’s love for them only allows what is ultimately for their blessing as well.  He draws us closer to Him in the storms of life.

Mom has been very sick recently.  All made worse with the coronavirus shutdown, leading to loneliness and sorrow.  Despite that I must stand still and trust God in His plan for her.  Love you, Mom.  This is the poem I wrote for her on Mother’s Day.

To Mom:  It Seems Like Yesterday

It seems like only Yesterday

You watched over us as we did play

The time has flown throughout the years

With times of laughter and of tears

At times I did not understand

Yet, it has been as God planned

You always taught me to say

“He knows what’s best, so let us pray”

It was your faith that stood so strong

Teaching me In Christ I do belong

To lean on Him through each dark day

And never, ever fail to pray

Or raise our voices loud to sing

For He is Lord and He is King

At times, the laughter filled our home

And followed us wherever we roamed

There were the times of happiness

Where joy and peace brought their rest

Then, through the years as Mom and friend

You have always been there to the end

You picked me up each time I fell

And taught me in God’s Grace to dwell.

No matter what when I did stray

You would warn me harsh, but you did stay.

Right by my side to help me stand

Obedience to each command

I learned through trials I did face

While you stood near to show me grace

Your love for me unparalleled

To those I desired which were dispelled

Into the bleakest, darkest night

So far from joy, so far from sight

And when my heart broke with despair

You were the one, you were there

To pick me up, to hear my cries

And then to dry my tear stained eyes

You were there whenever I called

You came so quick and never stalled

To help me raise my children dear

You were here and always near

Throughout the years I watched your pain

Yet through it all, your faith remain!

Therefore, I want to scream unfair

You confused weak, with frightened stare


“Why, dear Lord, must Mom face this

After a life devoid of bliss

Dear God, I do not know today

The words of which I should pray

So, I must fall before thy throne

And ask that she not feel alone

That you may wrap her in your arms

Protecting her through all life’s harms

I have learned, my Lord that through the pains

The sorrows and torrential rains

You draw us nearer to your side

That in Your love we may abide

And though I may not understand

Upon Your Grace, my faith doth stand

I know that Mom is in Your Will

So, on that truth I will stand still.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2020
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