The Song of a Butterfly-Freed to Love as Gods Beloved

As Jesus prayed “O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me.  And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” John 17:25-26 (NKJV)

Today I want to share with you one of my poems which I daresay best tells the story of my life.  Back in February of this year, I did a series “In Search of Love.”  Well, that has been my life.  Amazing the Grace and Patience God did show as my search led me down so many roads.  I studied God’s word, I grew in Grace; yet, so much was veiled in mystery.  Step by step, one truth at a time; God revealed His magnificent beauty to me.  Somehow, I had believed that if I worked hard enough, endured long enough the trials that came; God would give me my heart’s desire—someone who would love me true.  As the years passed, I at times compromised truth in search of that goal; believing, hoping that just over the next hill would be the one true love.  Heart break lead me to wrap myself into a cocoon like shell where I could never be hurt again.  God’s waited, watched and patiently nurtured every step of the way.  There in the darkness, light shone in and I realized.  The very thing I had longed for was there deep in my heart—it was God’s love inside me.  As I broke out of that shell, I realized how free I was to fly.  Love was mine, it had always been there inside me.  All through the journey, God had sent so many people who touched my life, transformed it one kind act at a time.   I not only loved; but, had been loved by so many friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and my dear, precious children.  How freeing it is to love and to be loved as God’s Beloved!!  Well, that is my story!  I hope you enjoy this poem.


The Song of a Butterfly

by Effie Darlene Barba


A little girl had called Your name

Began to feast upon Your word

And like a caterpillar came

To cherish comfort, truth was blurred

I thought that if I did what’s right

You’d give me all my heart’s delight


Had I forgotten it was Grace

That came to save a worm like I

Within my heart pride took its place

Then I believed as truth the lie

That if You loved me as Your dear

You’d only fill my life with cheer


Above all else my one desire

To find the one who’d love me true

Enduring all I flamed that fire

And there He was, a gift from You

A human heart with broken soul

The pain of which did take its toll


Yet, willing heart my love stood firm

I bade you Lord to give me strength

Your love for me you did affirm

Unveiling all its depth and length

And then You took my earthly love

To be with you- Your home above


My sorrow came like bitter rain

I searched for love again to find

Attempts to love I did but feign

Until to loneliness resigned

I cannot tell you now the why

Despite Your love I still did cry


With Broken Heart-I drew within

And built a hard cocoon like shell

How was it that I thought therein?

I’d safe from pain and sorrow dwell

There within the dark cold wall

I heard God’s voice, I heard You call


In darkness there I felt Your Grace

I struggled, Lord your will to see

And there I saw Your love filled face

This gave me strength to then break free

So there I’d sealed myself to die

And now emerged a butterfly


Oh wondrous Joy I know is mine

And Love abounding in this heart

Your Mercy, Grace and Glory Shine

Upon my life You did impart

The broken moments You did will

That I might fly above the hill


And now, Dear God; Your love in me

No longer wrought with fear or need

This heart of mine has been set free

To pour forth love in word and deed

To those I meet along this way

And fly with joy in You today.

[tweetthis]God’s love abiding within my heart; frees me to love as His Beloved[/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=”Love has been there, every step of this journey of faith; God’s joyous love abiding in my heart” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”There it was, the very thing I had searched a lifetime for–Love had always been mine to hold” username=”effiedarlene”]

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New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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