The Cry of Rejection

My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  2 Corinthians 12:9

Of all the emotions that we feel, perhaps those feelings of loneliness, rejection, or just somehow not being “good” enough to really be loved are among the most devastating of all.  Those feelings can leave us reeling with pain that tears at our heart, spirit and soul.  Add to that the factor that we live as a broken vessel amidst a broken world, life can send our heart quickly spiraling downward in an instant.  One unkind word, the rejection by a friend, divorce, failure, a loss job, and the list goes on as to those things that cut deep the wounds that were already present.  For me, I cannot tell you when I first recognized this frailty within myself; because, it has been there since I can first remember.  Perhaps my thorn in the flesh.  It in some ways has always been the driving force that never let me be fully satisfied with today’s accomplishments.  Being my lifelong companion, one would think I would always have it mastered.  Instead, I have come to find it as God’s refining tool for me. Whenever those feelings make their attack upon my heart,  I have learned to draw even tighter into God’s arms and lean upon His chest. I spend the day reflecting, growing, listening to an audio book and just waiting for God’s answer.  Over the years, I have learned that God’s steadfast joy may be dampened in those moments into a smoldering ember; but, will quickly reignite into flames as I spend the day talking to Him.  Friday, was such a day of feeling as though I would drown within my own feelings of inadequacy; but, Saturday.  He renewed me through prayer and listening to “Uninvited” by Lysa TerKeurst.  God reminded me of how truly loved I am by Him.  He reminded me how blessed I am in Him. And He gave me this poem for you; whomever you are that needs to hear these words today.  God loves you.  God is always Good. God wants to hold you cradled in His Arms while He sings love songs over you.   Whatever your frailty, He will be your strength in it.  I know He is mine.

The Cry of Rejection

By Effie Darlene Barba


The sound of their words

What they had said

Repeatedly playing sad tunes in my head

The Scars from my past

The sorrows, regret

Like sirens whose blaring I could not forget


In darkness, alone

My heart’s cry does long

To desperately feel somewhere I belong

To know I am loved

To make my appeal

Rejection the thought that seemed all too real


It wasn’t their fault

How could they have known?

The scars I hid deep and never had shown

The secrets of heart

That longed to be found

That they might be healed by love to abound


The counterfeit lies

Were just a mistake

Like shattering glass my heart then to break

Oh, where is the truth

In a Dark, broken world

Where sorrows and pain are relentlessly hurled


The sin of man’s pride

Has taken its toll

Wreaking havoc on each and every dear soul

Yet, if truth then be told

Beneath all our will

Is a void that only God’s love can refill!


His Love reached beyond

The abyss we had crossed

He never considered it too great a cost

To accept the rejection

Of man toward His Son

Who in His despair our victory was won!


Unworthy though I

He loved me the same

And called me as His by my very name

To be loved as His child

He is all that I need

In Him to be known and truly be freed


Freed from desires

Of counterfeit things

From trinkets and toys or frivolous flings

Grounded, secured

In God’s loving arms

Freed from the lure of all this world’s charms


As He draws me near

To sit for a while

Enwrapped with His joy, I truly can smile

My worries all fade

As in Him I belong

My heart can now sing a joyous love song

[bctt tweet=”Don’t let your feelings of rejection become your identity.  In Christ you are Beautifully Beloved.” username=”effiedarlene”]

[tweetthis]Wrapped in Christ’s love todays pain becomes tomorrows greatest blessings[/tweetthis]

Picture used by permission:  Inscription was added by me.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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