The Strength to Humbly Speak God’s Grace-Our Religious Freedom

Characteristics of faith

When did we as Christians allow our voices to be shamed into silence? Do we truly believe the narrative that we are the problem? Is it our own fear of being misunderstood that drives us to hide; rather, than to stand firm on the truth of the gospel!  Have we been convinced that this country that was built on religious freedom meant that everyone is free except for the Christian?

First Amendment right to pray

The first amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  That is true for every citizen of the United States.

You cannot forbid me or deny that right to our beautiful first lady. Separation of church and state are that the Government cannot establish a “State Religion”.  Every citizen can exercise their right to practice their faith; through prayer, banners, and speech, if that exercise of faith does not cause physical harm to another. I cannot command or force anyone to join me; but, I can exercise my own right to pray or speak freely as to what I believe.  This I should be afforded to do in the same manner of respect, as I am obliged to give to any other religion.

I wrote this poem today and hope it encourages you today; because, we do need encouragement in these trying times.

The Strength to Humbly Speak Your Grace

By Effie Darlene Barba

We hear the screaming words of hate

The loud protests to now berate

Those of us who seek Your word

We bid our voice of love be heard


With hardened hearts they try to say

Their violence is our fault someway

We, Your children, call Your name

Your Grace and peace, we do proclaim


The truth of who You are we know

Lord, help us now Your Grace to show

You, my Lord, are our only hope

To rise above this slippery slope


Of words that bend the truth to lies

Their evil plan in lamb’s disguise

Drawing those with fragile mind

Into the darkness of the blind


They cannot see Your truth, Your love

My Sovereign God rules from above

Your patient Grace toward Everyone

Is witness by each rising sun


Their protests, lies one day will wane

Your Justice Righteousness will reign

The victory You have already won

Because You gave Your only son


Until that day, Lord help us to stand

Held firm within Your righteous hand.

Show us Your will, Your Glory shine

Against those who would Your name malign


Help us to keep our eyes on You

Our joy, our hope; oh, please renew

That we might the angry crowd then face

With strength to humbly speak Your Grace

concluding thoughts

Because we are a nation built on the principles of religious freedom, we must not be silenced by a few who demand we give up our right to speak and to pray.  If we continue in our slumber as Christians; we may lose those freedoms we have previously enjoyed.  Furthermore, we must be strong, though gentle; steadfast, though kind; and proud of God, though humble at heart.  We must speak boldly, firmly with voices lifted high in love; because we know the truth of the gospel.

I wish I could tell her face to face; how much I admire our First Lady for defending the rights of each and every American.  Furthermore, her prayer was a symbol of strength, humility and grace; defending her right to speak.  Because she did; she defended the same right for every American; whatever, their faith.


[bctt tweet=”@Flotus Thank you for showing strength, humility, & grace defending our 1st Amendment” username=”effiedarlene”]

[tweetthis]I cannot defend another’s right to religious freedom if I do not my own[/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=” When @FLOTUS prayed openly she defended the same right 4 every American whatever their faith ” username=”effiedarlene”]

The featured image is by a talented photographer:   The inscription I added.

The picture of the lion and the lamb is an example of the creative artistry of   It is used by permission here.  Please consider going to his website and reviewing his art work.





©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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