Poetry Sunday—When Terror Strikes

We are forever surrounded by the effects of a fallen world.  There is fighting, anger, tension, destruction, and ever growing signs of bleak darkness that fills our news reports.  Suicide bombers who give their own lives believing they are fighting against evil while at the same time becoming the face of evil and terror to a desperate world.  Battle lines are drawn with man against man—yet, the enemy is the darkness within our own hearts and souls that blind us to the only truth which matters.  When tragedy strikes many cry out, “Where is God?”  He is right where He has always been.  He is on His throne today in the midst of our tragedy, the same as He was when they hung His Beloved Son on the cross to pay for our sins.  Justice, righteousness demands that each of us should die for our own evil self exalting hearts.  It is Grace that steadies God hand of Mercy each and every day that this world continues to rotate in it’s orbit.  Patiently, God waits for one more sinner to come to repentance.  He waits for one more child to come to Him.  It is His love and Grace which calls me to testify of Him.  With the events of this year and this week in mind, I wrote this poem—I hope it points you to Jesus and lights a candle of hope in your heart today.


By Effie Darlene Barba


When terror strikes from every side

Inciting fear in every heart

When all I see is torn apart

How can I Lord in You abide?

And rest in peace upon they word

With all the hate and sorrow heard

From wretched men, so filled with pride

I need a place in which to hide


I turn and lift my eyes toward You

To search the dark, to understand

How can this be as You have planned?

When all the world seems so askew

By evil hearts so filled with sin

It’s hard to see Your love will win

When selfish hearts themselves pursue

Destruction, death and pain ensue


As I gazed there shone forth a light

And reaching forth a steady hand

That held at bay hell’s death command

With sovereign power and such might

It is Grace alone that bids you wait

While justice bids man’s final fate

That one more broken heart contrite

With blinded eyes to then find sight


Oh, Lord, please help me understand

That the same love that bore the cross

Is Your love for us when we face loss

That Grace holds firm Your Mighty hand

That every kindness we have known

Is proof Your grace for us is shown

For Justice would itself demand

That darkness, death consume our land


So, help me Lord to be a light

To spread your word where e’er I go

Your love, your hope, your joy to show

Your gospel truth to then take flight

Transforming hearts that one by one

They seek and find your precious son

That then your Glory shine so bright

Beams of Grace in the dark of night

Let us close with this Psalm from David.  “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? ….One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. ….I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord”  (Psalm 27).

Photograph courtesy of Unsplash.com

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