Poetry Sunday—Transforming Grace

Poetry Sunday—Transforming Grace

God's Transforming Grace

As we have reached our 14th day of the prayer challenge, I pray that you are feeling the touch of God’s transforming Grace wrap you with His love, His Grace, His Joy and that you have seen a touch of His Glory.  If you haven’t found the time yet to join in with a prayer time alone time with God, I urge you to try.  It will change your life—of that I am certain.  Today I hope you enjoy this poem as well.

Transforming Grace

by Effie Darlene Barba


Transforming Grace, how could it be

That you should choose someone like me

And with one touch these blind eyes free

A glimpse of Glory’s love to see


A mind so filled with doubt and fear

Transformed to peace as you draw near

The darkened winding path now clear

As whisper of your voice I hear


I cannot fathom why you sought

Someone like me, Salvation bought

That from this rubbish thou hast wrought

A life now filled with Your dear thought


So take this selfish heart you found

And with your gentle love surround

That kindness might pour forth abound

And songs of praise the only sound


So mold me by your righteous hand

That firm within Your truth I stand

And trusting all that you have planned

Your joy I sing throughout this land


[bctt tweet=”A glimpse of His Glory, the beauty of His Creation- Who am I, that He would love me so? Yet, He”]DOES. He Loves me with an everlasting Love so great that He doesn’t leave me where he found me.  He is step by step transforming me.  Ever so patiently and gently He is changing me into a vessel of His righteousness, overflowing with His Love and filled with His Joy.  What wondrous Grace He has shown me.  I am awed and humbled by His Grace.  [bctt tweet=”I HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE IN RETURN FOR ALL GOD HAS GIVEN. HE HAS CAPTURED MY HEART”]

Do you have a poem you would like to share or a story of God’s Grace in your life? You can safely and securely share it by clicking here.

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header    Please go to his website ( http://www.barba-art.com) for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you. In fact, if you email him today with the words GIVE, he will give you a 50% discount. Our secret, shhh.   Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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