Poetry Sunday—My Betrothed

Jesus is not just a king; he is a betrothed King—an engaged King. And soon he will be a married King. His betrothed bride is the people of God—the people who trust him, elect from every race and nation, the church. He came the first time 2,000 years ago to die for his bride—to pay a dowry, as it were, with his own blood. And he will come a second time to marry her and take us—his church—into the gardens and the chambers of his love and joy forever.—John Piper (Sermon: Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, Past and Future)


What Wondrous Joy that my Beloved will return for me one day!!  That day I will understand the depth of His love, will realize He is my greatest treasure, will see His Glory clearly, and will understand that HE IS everything my heart seeks!!

My Betrothed

By Effie Darlene Barba


My betrothed hath gone to distant land

Preparing all that He has planned

Majestic Castle I am told

With streets and walls of purest Gold

And one day soon He comes for me

So I His Glorious Bride might be

What Gracious, wondrous love He’s shown

He paid the price, made me His own


How was it that He saw beneath

My filthy rags and did bequeath

His Crown to place upon my head

While taking all my shame instead


There’s nothing in this heart of mine

Could e’er deserve such love divine

I’ll never know what He did see

And yet, He did, He’s chosen me


He sent His counselor to prepare

My every flaw to then make fair

A righteous robe to then adorn

One day soon, One precious morn


My Lord, sometimes, I feel so frail

And fear my love for you will fail

Oh Love, my Love, I need you near

Your face to see, your voice to hear


Your letters pressed against my breast

A whispered prayer at each night’s rest

Awakened at some midnight’s hour

I feel your strength in me empower


Each day I live, I love you more

That on that Joy my heart doth soar

The trials, pains all fade away

While I await my wedding day


My betrothed hath gone to distant land

Preparing all that He has planned

Majestic Castle I am told

With streets and walls of purest Gold

And one day soon He comes for me

So I His Glorious Bride might be

What Gracious, wondrous love He’s shown

He paid the price, made me His own

Are you joyfully awaiting His return, busily preparing for your wedding day with great anticipation?  I would love to hear all about your wedding plans—Click here to comment.

[bctt tweet=”My betrothed hath gone to distant land Preparing all that He has planned Majestic Castle I am told With streets & walls of purest Gold”]

[bctt tweet=”one day soon He comes for me So I His Glorious Bride might be What Gracious wondrous love He’s shown He paid the price, made me His own”]

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   To obtain your own portrait, logo, or art design please contact Ronald Barba at the email below.    If you can dream it, he can draw or design it for you.  Do you want to surprise someone with an extraordinary special gift of a personal portrait?  An idea for a book cover?  Or a new logo?  Feel free to email him at ArteDaBarba@gmail.com  to discuss any art projects.

Picture used with permission of  goodsalt.com/Kim Yongsung

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