Poetry Sunday—Grace So Grand

Do we really understand how great a grace we have been given?  That God, the creator of the Universe, would give His only son to die that we might be saved.  If I truly understand the magnitude of God’s Grace and Love toward me, would I ever be filled with sorrow or despair? Could I ever complain or worry about any of the trials I face here on earth?  It is a grace so grand that reached down to love me right where I was.  It is a grace so grand that continued to draw me closer to Him even when I turned my face to seek lesser things.  It is a grace so grand that draws me still, ever closer to His Side.   It has been God’s patience, love and grace that has gently taught me every step of the way drawing me ever closer to Him.

God's grace and love

Grace So Grand

By Effie Darlene Barba


My Lord, How can I understand?

The Grace on which my faith doth stand

A Grace so grand that sought me out

Pursued this heart so filled with doubt

My heart desired for lesser things

Like love of men or diamond rings

And though I did not seek your face

You reached to me to give me grace

How could it be you loved me so?

That on this heart of stone bestow

A love so great it drew me in

And pardoned me for all my sin

Forgiving all that I have done

Redeemed I stand by thy dear son

That died the death that should be mine

So in His Glory I might shine

As beacon of His love so pure

Tis Grace that holds my heart secure

Your grace that drew my heart aside

And bid me in your love abide

Is the same Grace on which I vow

To give you all, before you bow

My life is yours-do as you will

What e’er it takes to this heart fill

With your dear love, to overflow

Unto the world that they may know

It was your Grace that loved me so

Your joy has set my life a glow

Your Grace does call to them to come

Drawn by your love to then succumb

Unto your will, accept your son

And know the life that Calvary won

“Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ…of his fullness have all we received… grace upon grace”  (John 1:16 and 17).

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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