Poetry Sunday—A Mother’s Prayer


I searched through my archives of poems written and felt drawn to post this one.  I wrote this several years ago when one of my children had come to me with their heart broken by love.  My heart crushed with their sorrow; yet, I knew that God’s plan was never wrong.  His plan was to bring them good—even through the sorrow.   All I could do was listen and gently say, “You may not understand now; but, you will.  God’s love for you only allows what is good.  Wait, you will see—out of the ashes of this horrible pain will come His Joy into your life.” As a mother, my heart wishes that I could bear the pains of this journey for them.  I would rather be ill than to watch them suffer.  A thousand times, I would prefer my heart crush in place of theirs.  I know the same is true of you Fathers out there.  Truly, this prayer could be that of a Father as well.  I do not know why God drew me to this poem today.  Perhaps it is for you—to comfort your heart. 

My Children and I-1982

1982 Me with my 3 greatest Joys of this life


A Mother’s Prayer

by Effie Darlene Barba

There is no pain so great, so deep

As when I see my dear child weep

When sorrows come or dreams are dashed

Their broken heart; their hopes are crashed

The wrenching pain cuts deep my heart

I fear that it shall rip apart

My tears pour down like searing rain

I cannot bear to see their pain

Oh Lord, dear Lord for this I plead

Please let me take their bitter reed

This is my prayer both day and night

Give me their pain and they delight

And then I felt your arm’s embrace

And saw the tears upon your face

The tenderness within your eyes

Had made me pause and realize

That you had felt my pain before

As your dear son my cross had bore

How great the pain you felt that day

My sin upon your son did lay

Your love for me, the guilty one

Endured the pain and watched your son

Bearing the wrath that sin demands

Rejected, beaten, nail pierced hands

And so, dear Lord, help me to see

Your plan for them as was for me

To drive them deep within your arms

Away from all these worldly harms

That they may hear Your Joy-filled song

Sung over them amidst the throng

In You their life remains secure

Your love for them is ever pure

And gentle eyes become their gain

The wisdom, hope that’s born from pain

And points their eyes to always see

Glorious Grace- Eternally


This I know.  God loves my children even more than this human heart is capable of and I can trust His plan for their lives.  His Grace and Love surrounds them—He will be their Joy.  He will be the strength that carries them through the storms of life.  He will be their light through their darkest valley.  On this I am sure.   

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