Poetry Sunday: Stand Here in this Place

As we walk in this pilgrimage journey of life, we must guard our hearts and minds.  Our joy, our hope, and our faith is embedded in Christ.  Within this world, so many things vie for our affections and fill our thoughts with desires. Yet, God is our greatest treasure.

5Z8QJ8SIHD_thumb.jpgHe is our true joy.  When I lay aside all else to seek Him, I find in Him all that I need.  If truly I trust Him, then I will see His loving, protecting hand in ever detail of my life.  When this journey is such that we walk through moments of sorrows, losses, and dark valleys that would seem to bring our hearts despair; we hear the echoing sweetness of God’s voice calling us to gaze upon Him. [bctt tweet=”Sometimes we must stand still like a baby before God with arms lifted up, our eyes fixed on Him.”]  He is our Joy.  He is the Love that can fill a broken heart to overflowing.


by Effie Darlene Barba


Through this journey of life

Midst it’s sorrows and strife

Came the Echoes of You

Hope arising anew


You’re my joy, my love song

In Your arms I am strong

When my life fell apart

You were there! My new start!



Let me stand here in this place

While I gaze upon Your face

Raising high my arms to You

While all else fades from my view

Within your arms wrapped tightly ‘round

Your whispering voice the only sound

Let this passion in me rise

‘Til it reaches to the skies

Light my heart a blazing fire

Loving You my sole desire

Help me cast all else aside

Content within your love abide

Dear God, Your child to be

For all eternity


My heart lay broken, crushed within

Burdened, chained distraught by sin

It was Your Grace that set me free

And filled my heart with joy and glee



Let me stand here in this place

While I gaze upon Your face

Raising high my arms to You

While all else fades from my view

Within your arms wrapped tightly ‘round

Your whispering voice the only sound

Let this passion in me rise

‘Til it reaches to the skies

Light my heart a blazing fire

Loving You my sole desire

Help me cast all else aside

Content within your love abide

Dear God, Your child to be

For all eternity

Do you have a poem you would like to share?  When life seems to bring moments of despair what do you do to restore joy?  click here to comment.

Also, yesterday I added the streaming music of songs I wrote; please let me know what you think–keep or turn off–those who let me know their honest opinion I will give away a copy of “A Broken and Contrite Heart.”

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   To obtain your own portrait, logo, or art design please contact Ronald Barba at the email below.    If you can dream it, he can draw or design it for you.  Do you want to surprise someone with an extraordinary special gift of a personal portrait?  An idea for a book cover?  Or a new logo?  Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Photo is from stocksnap.io

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