Poetry Sunday Out of the Darkness, I hear Your Love Song

This Christian Pilgrimage will always be laden with mountains and valleys deep.  We can rest assured that God has a perfect plan that will guide us along the way.  Sometimes in the evening hours, I may feel defeated by the day or discouraged by my own heart’s foolish desires.  Yet, this I know.  God is everyday and every night about the task of perfecting my heart so that one day, I will be His Radiant, Unblemished Child.  Then, I will fully understand the depth of His love and be filled with the fullness of His Joy.  For now, I stand firm; clothed in the Righteousness of Christ.  Last night as I went to bed, I had no song to write.  As I whispered a prayer before I went to sleep, I asked God to send me a new song by morning break.  I awoke with these words playing in my head.  He is an Amazing Father.  He is my fountain of Joy in the deserts of my heart.  He is my Greatest Treasure and the Love of my Life.

In the darkness of night

Out of the Darkness, I hear Your Love Song

By Effie Darlene Barba

I gazed at the world, such sorrows abound

The tragedies, trials which seem to surround

I looked deep in my heart where sadness I found

From foolish desires and dreams so profound

Like smoldering flames upon desert ground

That burned into ashes and scattered around

I whispered then softly a cry with a prayer

A plea sent resounding throughout the night air

“Forgive me, I know this foolish heart of mine

Sometimes does tend to moan and to whine

I truly do wish my heart could be free

To Love you, My Lord as You have loved me.”

I did not then wait to hear your reply

As off to my bed I did go with a sigh


Then Out of the darkness I hear your love song

Erasing my sorrows from all I’ve done wrong

Enwrapped by your presence I know I belong

My frail, broken heart began beating so strong

For You are the Joy for which I so long

“Oh love of my life, stay here by my side

My Savior, My Lord in your grace I abide

Lying here in my bed, tightly tucked in your arms

I drift back to sleep safe from all of life’s harms”


And then I awake, to face a brand new day

Restored by your love, I bow down to pray

“Oh let my life song be a tribute to you

A light in the darkness the world now to view

How your Mercy and Grace did my heart now renew

From the ashes of sorrow, a garden you grew

Like Rivers and fountains of Joy in my heart

Bringing life to this desert-a fresh brand new start

Oh, Thank You dear Lord for all that you’ve done

But mostly I thank you for Your Precious Son.

The perfect reflection of all that you are

My Savior, My King, My Bright Morning Star”

[bctt tweet=”Never be afraid to lay your burdens, fears, & frailties at the foot of the cross every evening “] [bctt tweet=”You will be awakened by God’s Gracious Love and Joy will be yours in the morning light.”]

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

Photo used courtesy of Unsplash.com.  I added the inscription.

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