Poetry Sunday-My Shepherd’s Lullaby of Love

Have you ever awoke with a heaviness of heart and really did not know why?  I did that yesterday.  It was as though all that I knew about God’s grace was being attacked and hope was a distant memory only.  As the day went by, I focused on songs, scriptures and sermons.  I remained in a steady and constant state of prayer until the sadness finally left. This journey sometimes would cause our hearts to despair; but, we certainly don’t have to stay there.  There are times when Satan tries to remind us of our frailties or tries to remind us of our unworthiness; but, we don’t have to stay there, either.  Then there are times that we may feel despair because there is something God desires to show us or because He needs us to reach out sympathetically to others in the Kingdom.   Sometimes God allows my heart to despair so that I might write a poem for someone in the Kingdom, maybe you—one that may touch your heart right whedmtas0055re you are today.  I do not know if  you are hurting today.  If so, I do not pretend to know why you are sad or why your heart may be filled with fear; but I do know that the Good Shepherd is singing a lullaby over you as He pulls you free from the thorny brush that your heart is trapped in.  He loves you with an everlasting love.  You are never too far for Him to seek you, find you and save you.  My entire life has proven these 7 truths about God’s love—1. He is faithful  2.  He loves me unconditionally 3.  He is a kind and gentle shepherd who wants to lead me into green pastures of joy, hope and peace.  Those green pastures can only be found in Christ—abiding in His love.  4.  He willingly gave His life that I might find life eternal in Him, through His suffering I might find joy.  5.  He never gives up on me.   He has a perfect plan of love to finish the work He began in me. 6.  No sorrow enters my life without purpose.  That purpose is always ultimately for my joy and for the good of the Kingdom.   7.  It has been His Grace and Grace alone that wooed this heart of mine.

This poem I wrote for anyone who feels despair today.  My dear friends, we all need a reminder sometimes of God’s Grace and love which sings over us with a Lullaby whenever our hearts are heavy.

My Shepherd’s Lullaby of Love

By Effie Darlene Barba


Awakened with fear I do not know why

Struggling to pray, I really must try

Thoughts whirling, twirling around in my brain

Unharnessed they fly, I cannot constrain

Screaming within all the guilt and the shame

I know it’s my fault and I am to blame

Though I wanted to follow, I turned away

I was the one who had wandered astray

I struggled to find a verse from your word

To comfort my soul, a hope to be heard

In the midst of my darkness, sorrow and pain

A soft, gentle sound, a song’s sweet refrain

My shepherd’s dear voice was calling my name

My eyes filled with tears, as nearer He came

Trapped in the thicket and thorns of my heart

I longed for release, a chance, a new start


Then the words of His song grew ever so clear

“Hush little one, there is nothing to fear

My love for you grows with each beat of my heart

A love that can’t die nor ever depart

You are precious to me, I love you so

I laid down my life just so you would know

The depth of my love, my mercy my grace

Oh look at me now, look into my face

And rest, my dear love, rest here in my arms

Forever my strength will keep you from harms

Where ever you go where ever you are

My Glory will shine as your guiding star

When the sorrows of life cause you to roam

My lullaby song will lead you back home”


Forgetting His pain, the thorns He did tare

Until I was freed from that dark hidden lair

He lifted me out from the darkness within

Forgiven I was for my doubt and my sin

Letting go of all else in His arms I did rest

Protected, beloved, undoubtedly blest

He is my dear love, my greatest treasure

Joy that exceeds the lure of life’s pleasure


His lullaby song rings ever so clear

“Hush little one, there is nothing to fear

My love for you grows with each beat of my heart

A love that can’t die nor ever depart

You are precious to me, I love you so

I laid down my life just so you would know

The depth of my love, my mercy my grace

Oh look at me now, look into my face

And rest, my dear love, rest here in my arms

Forever my strength will keep you from harms

Where ever you go where ever you are

My Glory will shine as your guiding star

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[bctt tweet=”When the sorrows of life cause you to roam My lullaby song will lead you back home””]

Has the Good Shepherd ever rescued you from the thorns and thistles?  Or do you have a poem you would like to share?  click here to leave your comment or prayer request.  If you prefer to contact me privately, email me by clicking the contact button below–I will keep you in my prayers always

Above picture used by permission of GoodSalt.com/ Darrel Tank

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