Heal Our Land (A Prayer)

O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.  To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses Daniel 9:8-9



By Effie Darlene Barba


I heard the sounds of tears surround

As anguish did abound

Death, despair, the wretched sound

That rose from every side


I fell there on my knees, Dear God

In sin our earth doth trod

Unto You Lord we feign a nod

While drowning in our pride


I pleaded there to seek your face

And ask you show Your grace

Our shame Oh Lord you can erase

Though guilty we’ve been tried


I cried for all who walk this land

To turn and seek Your hand

On righteousness to take a stand

And in your Love abide


As I prayed, Your light revealed

The sin I must now yield

That first my heart must be healed

Of sin I had denied


I give to you my wretched heart

It’s sin I bid depart

Your righteousness to then impart

Your Spirit be my guide


Cleansed by your grace, now I plead

Once more to intercede

To cleanse our land of sin and greed

Our eyes to open wide


To see the truth, to You belong

Our praise and worship song

Teach us to know right and wrong

To lay our sin aside


Transform our hearts by your dear Grace

Teach us to seek your face

Heal our land by Your embrace

Let us be purified


My heart broken, by the news medias, cries out in pain and sorrow.  Oh, yes; I heard the tape as it was played over an over again as if once were not enough.  I listened to the vulgarity of the words, as my heart broke and bled.  I thought of Melania and the pain she must feel.  I thought of Mike Pence and the despair he must have felt.  Nausea filled the pit of my stomach as I pleaded with God to help me understand.  The news flash barely mentioned the 900 deaths in Haiti; a country whom the Clintons had misappropriated the billions of dollars donated and left the people with no running water, shelters, or sewage.  They had no place to go to get out of harms way.   Barely a mention was made on the news of the officers shot in California, one even a new mother leaving behind her 4 month old; while, Secretary Clinton fails to see that All Lives Matter.  Did they talk about Saudi Arabia where under Sharia law the children are being tortured and killed with the proclamation by Bandar Bin Mohammed Al-Aiban being “Islamic sharia (law) was above all laws and treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child,” or that Hillary Clinton takes massive donations from Saudi Arabia and is cited as saying we should be more tolerant of their ideology.  Did we hear in the reports about the horror of late term abortions in which a sharp object is stuck into the babies head to kill the child before delivery?  No, we hear about crude and vulgar language that is 11 years ago from a man whom some have said is a newer Christian.  Yes, a sinner, like you and I saved by Grace.  I cannot tell you his heart; but, I can pray that is true.  After all, I heard him say, “I have always been a taker.  I took and took and took throughout my life,  there came a time when I realized, I need to give back.  So, now I want to be a taker for you; not me.”  A man who use to believe in abortion; but, now does not.  Someone, who wishes to surround himself with pastors and clergy.  Someone who at least appears to have convinced Ben Carson of his sincere faith in Jesus Christ.  So, here I stand; yes, nauseated by the video I heard; ready to vote for Donald Trump and to pray earnestly for him.  Our nation needs to either turn from the sin in which we are in or we will perish.  As I began that prayer, I much like Daniel, felt the weight of my own sin first.  I cannot pray for our nation unless I first lay my sin upon that cross of Jesus Christ.  Then, yes; my prayer is that Donald Trump truly has been born again.  Perhaps he needs to grow in that journey; but, I know God does  complete the work of sanctification in all those who truly believe.  I have at least seen a sincere transformational work occurring in Donald Trump.  I have not seen that in the alternative who will push on with the liberal judges, late term abortions, lies, and open borders as she spoke of in the speeches released.  Secretary Clinton told Goldman Sachs that she has a public and a private ideology because the American people are too ignorant to understand.  I guess she believes us to be irredeemable, stupid deplorables and she wants to be our leader?

[tweetthis]Yes, I am in fasting prayer for our nation today. Will you join me?[/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=”First, I must humble myself and repent; then, I can pray for our nation.” username=”effiedarlene”]

Photo courtesy of: https://unsplash.com/@benwhitephotography

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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