Awaken to Joy-

fruit of the spirit is joy

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13

Have you ever been Amazed by Joy?  I mean really Amazed!!  If you looked deep within your own heart or you looked at the storms that surround your life there was no reason for you to know this much joy; yet, there it is pulsating through your veins.  That, my dear friends is the power of Christ in you.  In Christ you have everything you could ever need to be a never ending spring of joyous living water to a dry and thirsty land.  Despite that, how many years did I waste searching for counterfeit joys to fill my heart and spirit; only to discover that perfect love and perfect joy had been abiding there within me ever since the moment I first accepted Christ as my Savior.  My greatest desire is that  God molds a beautiful mosaic of Jesus for you to see from all the shattered pieces that were my life. I pray that when all the pieces of this my life are fitted together by God’s hand of Grace that the portrait of my life becomes an echoing reflection of God’s Mercy, Grace, Love, Joy and Glory.  My prayer is that you find God to be your greatest treasure and all your desires are met in Him.  I wrote this poem many months ago; but, wanted to share it with you today.


Awaken to Joy

Awaken, Awaken Oh heart of mine

Today has arrived so rich and Divine

Such Joy overflows into a new song

“By Grace I am Saved and By Grace I belong”


Wherever I go—whatever I do

Let Your Glorious Hope be all that I view

Such wonder and awe you place in my path

While never your anger– never your wrath


Oh Marvelous Grace that fills me with glee

Before your dear throne I have this one plea

Let your love flow forth to all whom I meet

Seeing Your Glory they fall at Your feet!


Lord let me be a reflection of You

In all that I say and all that I do

Let the Grace that You freely gave to me

Be the Grace that I give to those I see


Let Love guide my feet wherever I go

Your joy and Your hope be all that does show

And one day, Dear Lord, when this earth I leave

Don’t let those who knew me one moment grieve


Because they know that you are my treasure

And being with you my greatest pleasure

Let the life that I lived be an echo so true

Of the Grace and the love that I found in You


Awaken, Awaken Oh heart of mine

Today has arrived so rich and divine

Such Joy overflows into a new song

“By Grace I am Saved and By Grace I belong”

The picture “ Only In Christ I AM”  above was created by Ronald Barba  and is protected by copyright laws.  I am using with full permission of Ronald Barba.  Prints are available at

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned with the exception of the portrait above and any money received will be given to the artist from whom I commissioned this piece.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.