A Desperate Cry for Truth to Heal This Land

A Desperate Cry for Truth to Heal This Land

by Effie Darlene Barba


I felt the anguish cutting deep

It pierced my heart and soul

The tossing, turning restless sleep

Was taking now it’s toll


The lies, corruption circling around

This country once was free

Now chained, the evil words abound

The truth we cannot see


Complacent to be so correct

In silence I had stood

My Christian duty did neglect

I hid beneath this hood


Oh wretched heart, I was to blame

Allowing this to be

Now buried in my sinful shame

I turned to look to Thee


Oh, Lord, please come and hear my cry

I fall here at your feet

As darkness draws, the end is nigh

I must not accept defeat


I heard Your voice, “stand up my child

Together we shall fight

Our spirits, hearts are reconciled

Your sin cast far from sight”


Arise in Grace, my precious one

The truth I have revealed

In Jesus Christ my precious Son

In Him your heart is sealed


I hear the cries for your dear land

So, trust me when I say

Revival is what I’ll command

And Truth shall find its way

I recently read this blog by Ravi Zacharias and wanted to share these words; please go and read the entire blog yourself.

Listening to the blistering political rhetoric, I am asked all over the world, “What has happened in America?” The question should go deeper. Whatever happened to the American soul? We are truly at the cliff’s precipitous edge and the fall could be long and deadly. Why? We have a deep crisis of the soul that is killing us morally and we have no recourse. We have no recourse because the only cure has been disparaged and mocked by the elite and the powerful…….We are sliding into the future with evil stalking us but no morality, no truth, and no reason to guide us. America may be flirting with a self-inflicted mortal wound. Or it could well be a killing that is designed by a postmodern ideology masquerading as political correctness. When liberalism, whose legitimate child is relativism, has played itself out it will be a Pyrrhic victory to find ourselves in the hands of those whose identity is no longer in doubt. And when they are in control, the very means they used to hide their identity will be silenced as well. They will preside over the last rites of politically correct enforcers and a “free press” that abused freedom and celebrated the lie ‘til they themselves were silenced, buried by the truth they never wanted to expose. There always has been, and is now more than ever, only one hope for rescue. If we abide in God’s truth revealed in his Son, then we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. -excerpts from The Soul of America by Ravi Zacharias.

We, the American people,  are standing at a crossroads that will determine our future.  This election is about standing up for religious freedom or not.  It is clear which direction we must take and pray that God’s Mercy will protect us in the turn.  We have one candidate who stands on truth.  He has been very vulnerable at times because of that.  Yes, flawed—sometimes outspoken; but, from all I see—honest about who he is.  On the other side we have someone shrouded in lies and corruption.

I, being a woman who has suffered through extreme abuse in my life; find it very painful  to hear women cry “foul” when it is all fabricated.  As the facts are coming out, that is what appears to be the case.  A news media who is bought and paid for by the political left would love to run the lies without checking or caring about truth.  It reminds me of the scripture,

“-If a ruler hearkens to lies, all his servants are wicked”. Proverbs 29:12 –

When women lie about men, for what ever purpose,  they in essence attack those of us who are true victims of abuse.  There were two particular emails released by Wikileaks that particularly focused on the fact that they would bring this type of accusations against Mr. Trump.  Actually, after Sunday’s debate, I knew Anderson Cooper was preparing us for the release of something bigger, more devious and certainly orchestrated.

My prayer is that as a nation, it is not too late for us to repent and turn to God in revival.  I will trust God’s final decision as being His plan; whether He allows us to be plunged deeper into corruption as punishment for our sins or by Grace sends a revival as He did with Josiah.  I will trust Him.  My prayer will be constant until then.

[bctt tweet=”America’s only hope is to turn from our complacency & humbly bow before God’s Throne of Grace” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”We the Christians must vote for Conservative Supreme Court Justices—Vote Donald J. Trump” username=”effiedarlene”]

[tweetthis]We the Christians must vote Against Lies and Corruption—#NEVERHILLARY[/tweetthis]

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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