Why Is To Love And To Be Loved Our Greatest Desire?

To Love, to be loved. We desire that, we want that more than anything else. That need for love supersedes  all our other desires at least at times. We long to find someone who will love us for who we are, with all our flaws; yet, loves us enough to see the potential of who we can become. Someone who loves us enough to take our hand and gently, lovingly guide us along this journey. A companion, a friend, as well as a love that warms our hearts when the winds of life blow cold and chilling. We celebrate love! Valentine’s Day is only 2 days away! We long to believe in “love ever after”! We rejoice in love! We want to love and be loved!

looking for love

Still, for so many, all this celebration can bring deep within a lonely ache of sorrow. A sense of not being included in the celebration. For far too many of us the thought of love opens wounds.  Our hearts ache from feelings of pain, rejection, and scarred broken hearts. That pain, that loneliness, that brokenness is all too real in our society and our world. From the songs, “all the lonely people” to people who watch “The Bachelor” to all the dating websites; all representing people longing to believe in the hope of love. Hearts desiring to find someone to love and to be loved by.

You, might at first glimpse at my story and say, “what can I tell you of love?” After all, I have had my heart broken over and over again along this journey. I believed in the fairy

tale ending. I believed that if God loved me He would send me someone to love and to love me. Year after year I chased that dream with passion; hoping, believing, and dreaming of one day understanding the power of love. It has been a long journey filled with thorns along this path. It is not a story that I can tell you in one sitting—so I have decided to open up my heart and soul to you through a new series. We will begin with a series on love; then, follow our hearts through other emotions along this journey. Ah, but once more, “Why me?” What can I bring to the table to help you?” I know love. I found the secret of love’s power and its joy. My heart overflows with love and I know that I am loved. Surprised? I was!!


How befitting it is that my last writing on the gospel of John would fall so near Valentine’s Day! How perfect to end one series and open the doors of the next with love. John never referred to himself by name in the Gospel of John. Instead, he lost his identity in becoming awed by the wonder of being “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Some at first glance might say that was arrogance. Oh, but it wasn’t at all. Read the books of I John and II John. You will realize very quickly how much love so humbly filled John that it overflowed to everyone he met. He was overwhelmed and awed by the love of Jesus toward Him. He saw it as so amazing, so wonderful! How was it that Jesus so loved him and the world. This is the love that filled John’s heart.


We were made to be loved by God and to love. That was the design of our heart. [bctt tweet=”Our hearts can never be fully satisfied until we see ourselves as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.””] This is a love that goes above and beyond my greatest dream of  what love could be. In the midst of being so loved, I have found that my eyes can now see love all around me. I can love fully, freely without the need to possess. It is a love that allows me to see the best in those whom I love. Ok, I am jumping ahead. Sometimes, I just get too excited and wish I could share everything at once—but I must slow down so that you will understand one step at a time.


My desire for you is much like that of John’s desire in his writing. “these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:21). “ These things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” (I John 1:4). Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God,” (I John 3:1-2).


As Valentine’s Day comes, remember this: [bctt tweet=”You are perfectly loved-you are God’s Beloved. “]

[bctt tweet=”Jesus has been referred to as the “Rose of Sharon.” Will you accept God’s Rose today?”]

The song I chose for you today is: Jesus Christ, You are my Life

photo used by permission https://unsplash.com/scottwebb  (The caption is mine)

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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