pathway to success

[bctt tweet=”If you knew one thing would empower you to success and guarantee victory, would you do it?”]

It was 1986 and a time in my life that I felt very defeated as I had moved back into my parents’ home with my children. I worked night shift in ICU and got very little sleep. Perhaps a foolish idea to try to obtain my certification in critical care, since there was no time to study. After all it wasn’t required. Separated from my husband, feeling like a failure; I just wanted to feel successful in something. The test was going to be in St. Louis which was a 3 hour drive from my parent’s home. My plans to go the night before were thwarted when Alberto spiked a high fever. New plan: leave early in the morning. Daddy had gotten home late because he driven the school bus for a sports event. As I got into my car, it began to snow. The farther I drove, the heavier the snow was falling. Then it happened, about an hour into my drive; the lights began to go dim and the car was dying. I was barely able to get it to the side of the road before it died completely. There were no cell phones, it was freezing cold, and no one was on the highway that early in the morning. I walked until I found a gas station. When I called home, Daddy said, “I will be there as soon as I can.”

When he arrived, he told me to get in and he headed toward St. Louis. I told him not to worry. We were too late. It just wasn’t meant to be. It was snowing and he had not even slept.” Instead, he drove on. We arrived 10 minutes before the doors closed. Around were multiple nurses saying that this was their second or third time to try to pass this test. What were my chances of passing? Then I looked across the way, saw my father sitting there and knew I had to at least try. Suddenly I realized that in my father’s eyes, I was not a failure. In my Father’s eyes, I was loved unconditionally. He was proud of me and believed in me. One phone call to my Daddy had changed everything. Oh, and yes, I passed the test. About a month later, I went back to my husband; but, would never forget that I could always call my Daddy.


God is our heavenly Father and bids us to call Him for everything. Throughout all of the scripture the one thing that we are called upon to do is pray. God has said, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3). God is standing, waiting to guide your every step. He only asks that you take time to talk to Him. That is the most powerful key to success. Satan knows that. He wants to prevent you from doing that so your mind gets filled with so many other things that you don’t pray. Or you say, I pray intermittently all day. So do I. Usually, “God, help me!!” Since I live alone, my excuse is, “I pray a lot. I go about my tasks often while talking to God.” Then, I realized that isn’t enough.!!  After all if the only time you spend with your spouse or children is while doing other things; would they know they are special? No!! God gave His own son up to the cross to pay our atonement so that we could have communion with Him. Then shouldn’t we set aside a time to be alone with Him. Christ thought it was important to get away and pray while he was in human form. If it was important for Christ; how much more important for us?

[bctt tweet=”Prayer opens the Gates of Heavens to pour out blessings, success and victory. Let us pray !!”]


Let’s do this together. I challenge you and myself to set aside 30 minutes every day to spend completely alone with God. Shut off the computers, the cell phones, and go to a quiet place that you set aside for prayer. A separate room or even your closet will work. Just don’t allow distractions. This may mean getting up earlier. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do that if your favorite celebrity came to your house to visit with you. God is the most important celebrity, so let’s do this. Meanwhile together we will explore what the scripture says about prayer over the course of this time on my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday posts. On the other days, I am going to post a “Prayer from the Bible” to help you. So, you, your Bible, and a quiet place. Let’s start today. Guaranteed, after 30 days this will become the most important 30 minutes of your day. Your success at everything depends on this.

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The song for today? Sweet Hour of Prayer.

Congratulations Kandis, you won the signed copy of  A Broken and Contrite Heart.


The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header  is Ronald Barba.  Please go to his website ( http://www.barba-art.com) for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.