What is the Significance of the Supreme Court?


You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the Lord your God gives you … and they shall judge the people with just judgment. 19 You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Deuteronomy 16:18-19 (NKJV)


Here in the United States of America we are moving ever closer to perhaps the most important election in the history of our nation since that of Abraham Lincoln. It is for that reason, that I as a Christian writer am taking the time to present scriptural evidence along with the differences of platform for both candidates to point out why as a Christian you must vote for Christian values or be prepared to live with the consequences.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America is established under Article III of the Constitution. In Article III, it is outlined that the Supreme Court has ultimate jurisdiction. As the ultimate authority of the law of this land, it can “strike down” any laws brought forward by the legislative or executive branches of the government that it deems as “unconstitutional”.  Additionally, it has the power to frame our society by hearing the cases

of its own choosing that has been presented and then through its ruling alter how our laws are viewed and carried out. Thus, presenting into the hands of these justices, final authority in interpreting our laws and guiding our society. This was presented as such to prevent any majority of ruling class infringing upon the freedoms of the minority, as outlined in the “Bill of Rights”; however, as such depending upon the justices can in fact infringe upon whomever it chooses through its own social views.  It is to be impartial; however, we know as humans that is not always the case.

Because the Supreme Court has such ultimate power, it matters GREATLY the justices that are placed to serve upon this highest court of the land. Add to that, their appointment is for life and the next President could possibly be choosing up to 3 or 4 of the justices; we need to be very aware of why this matters so much.

Over the next few days, I will be presenting some of the social issues that can and will be “interpreted” by the justices over the next decade of American life. Those include our religious freedoms, our freedom of speech, our civil liberties, protection of life, second amendment rights and even our right to define ourselves as a nation with borders. In other words, the supreme court will define us as a society.

God’s word clearly outlines the importance that those who judge the land must be chosen by God, impartial, and not having received financial bribes. When money is a part of politics (hence donors); then, people become blinded to the truth and words become twisted.

Now let’s look at the difference between the two Candidates and their choices for Supreme Court Justices.

Donald J. Trump has presented to the people of the United States a list of potential judges that he would choose if he were elected. These are clearly outlined on his campaign web page. He has promised to choose those who will uphold the Constitution for all the people of the United States of America without forcing their own “social agenda”. These are judges who have demonstrated their impartiality. Additionally, Donald Trump has chosen to run a campaign that has been funded by the “little people” and his own money to owe NO favors to the big donors. A very crucial point as shown by God’s own word.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton does not give us any suggestions as to whom she will appoint. Yet, it has been noted in “emails” leaked by whistleblowers that George Soros–a big donor is making his suggestions and well after all; he has been a big helper in so many things for the campaign. He certainly does expect his wishes to be honored. Even if you did not believe the emails; note, the new words of Hillary being “implicit bias.” Implicit Bias are words adopted from Mr. Soros. Again, bribery in the way of money always causes eyes to close toward wisdom. Who is Soros? Mr. Soros is an atheist who believes in one world order. He is a self-proclaimed demagogue who gained most of his money manipulating world trade markets. It is no wonder; Secretary Clinton does not want to contract with America concerning the Justices she wants to present. Having received so much money from big dollar donors around the world, she will certainly need to return the favor in some way at the cost to the “common” people.

[tweetthis]The Supreme Court Justices have more power than most Americans realize[/tweetthis]

[bctt tweet=”The Supreme Court Justice Issue alone should cause you to vote for Donald J Trump.” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”Donald J Trump is willing to contract with you, the people Hillary is obligated to her donors” username=”effiedarlene”]

Photo courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@claireandy

New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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