What is the Heart and Truth of Amazing Love?

What is the Heart and Truth of Amazing Love?

Love—perhaps one of the greatest mysteries of human emotions. We seek love, desire love, and search for love. Yet, do we really even understand it? Is it some emotion that for a fleeting moment elates our being into a sense of ecstasy? We so long to love and to be loved; yet, so often we find that we are disappointed by love. We find that our hearts are broken by the very thing we so desperately long for. Or so it has been for much of my life. As though love is some illusion that cannot be fully obtained. Perhaps we hope that somehow love will validate us—make sense of our existence or provide a purpose for all the humdrum activities of our day. We are told then that what we really need is to learn to love ourselves. So we primp and we search deep within only to be disappointed all too quickly. Television, movies, books, and advertising all promote this idea that we desperately are in search of love. What if I told you that we were honestly created to be lavished with love?

[bctt tweet=”God created man so as to pour out His love, His joy, and His glory upon him. Some said, No thanks”]


Yet, from the beginning and even today, men and women search for love in the creation instead of the creator. God knew before He created mankind that we would reject His love and search to fulfill that void of Him by every other means. He knew that He would have to demonstrate His perfect love by sending His Only Begotten Son to die in our place to provide the propitiation for our sin. The substitute who would carry to the cross every evil thought and deed of ours so that we might stand before a righteous and holy God. All of God’s wrath against sin would be poured out on His Dearly Beloved son so that all who would believe and accept Him could be restored into a position of love. Still, because He loved us so; He did just that. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).


All too often we want to attribute our faulty misconceptions of the emotions of love to God. We, humans who love with so much being based on our “feelings” for the day; rather, than true love. Or we may want to say that God’s love is unconditional; therefore, He will never condemn anyone. Well, of course, that is maybe He will condemn some atrocious murderer—but not the average person. After all, we are trying to be good people, right? Look at the humanitarian acts some perform!! As a whole, I’m ok. You’re ok. Right? Ah, yes such fools we are. We fail to see the Magnificence of His Sacrificial Love for us. We fail to see that unless He enters our heart to transform it, we can never really even feel His LOVE for us. Unless we recognize our need of Christ’s Saving Grace, we can never understand the depth, the height and the breadth of God’s love for us.


God so loved you and me that He gave His most precious treasure, His beloved son to die upon a cross so as to provide a means for our redemption from sin. Having given His most precious love; how, could we think that there could be any other means of salvation but through believing in Him and accepting His gift of salvation?


Not only does God promise everlasting life to all those who believe in Christ as their Savior, He promises life abundant. I am not talking about abundant with “things.” Although sometimes He gives that too. What I am talking about is a life filled with His Joy, His peace, His love, and His hope in the midst of every circumstance. He transforms our heart so that we may feel His love overflowing in us and through us. The very essence of His Love, the Holy Spirit is there to comfort us, to teach us and to guide us. We, step by step, learn how to receive His Love. We step by step come to realize that we can trust Him with our heart and our lives.

Oh, my dear, dear readers and friends: Do you know His love?  Have you had your heart broken by human love, one too many times? [bctt tweet=”Do you really want to know what real, genuine love is? Turn to Jesus.”]  Safe in His arms you will find all that you need. 

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The song I chose for you to enjoy today is Amazing Love

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   To obtain your own portrait, logo, or art design please contact Ronald Barba at the email below.    If you can dream it, he can draw or design it for you.  Do you want to surprise someone with an extraordinary special gift of a personal portrait?  An idea for a book cover?  Or a new logo?  Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

Photo used by permission unsplash.com

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