What Happens When You Are Awed by Grace?


Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16

As the year 2000 came to a close, I was newly divorced, my children were both gone off to college, I was healed from the surgery, and my boxes were all packed as I headed off to Springfield, MO. There I was going to be the first Nurse Practitioner in their hospitalist program at St. John’s Hospital. Once more, I was starting over. I had no idea what lay ahead; but, I was overwhelmed by Grace. All of my Christian Walk, I had so wanted to please God—to make Him proud of me. Every step of the way I had stumbled; yet, His Grace was fresh and new every morning. Like a fresh spring fed brook, His love poured forth new every morning upon me no matter what!

awed by grace


No matter how big had been my failure; God still loved me. Sometimes, I would bow my head with such sorrow, pain realizing that once more “I had gotten it all wrong.” Each time, my heavenly Father would look down from heaven and with a gentle smile, reach out His hand to pick me up, dust me off, and start a brand new day. Years later I would discover, that in the midst of it all; God had used me for His Glory. How? Despite my failure in the marriage to Terry, later his son would confide that “because of me, he had found Christ.” Me? God used me in the midst of all my bumbling mess? That, my dear friends, is Grace upon Grace. I cannot fully explain how or why God would have chosen me to be His child; yet, He did.

Does knowing the magnitude of God’s Amazing Grace and unconditional love cause me to become cavalier about my Christian walk? Oh, never let that be the case!!! Instead, I am so in awe of His Grace, that my heart desires to ever become more like Him. Still, it frees me from all the guilt and the shame. It frees me to laugh, to hope, and to believe each morning is fresh and new.

What about you my dear readers and friends? Have you been bogged down by your own guilt? Have you felt like no matter how hard you try; you just keep failing? Are you in the midst of trials and wonder if this is God’s wrath? I urge you to come to the cross where God’s grace and mercy is fresh and new every moment of your life. All you have to do is come with all your fears, failures, and say, “Lord God, I don’t understand how you love me with all that I have done; but, I accept the gift of salvation in your son. I am awed by Your love, your grace and your mercy to me, a sinner” Let His grace pour over you. You can start again, this moment, right now.

[bctt tweet=”God’s Grace is the author of hope, joy, love and possibilities beyond your greatest imaginations!!” username=”effiedarlene”]

The song I chose for you today is How Can It Be

Original photo courtesy of https://unsplash.com/andrewcoelho Inscription I added

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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