What Does Mustard Seed Faith Have to Do with Love?


Jesus said unto them… verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20

I had packed my car full of everything I would need for the rehearsal dinner, along with my finest china and crystal to take to Alberto. As I left Florida for the two-day drive to Missouri, my heart was filled with excitement. I loved driving long trips because it was a time I could spend alone with God. I had audio books by John Piper and Jonathan Edwards to accompany me on the trip with lots of Christian music. Over several months I had felt a restlessness of spirit, I wasn’t certain as to its source. It was my prayer that God would reveal to me the reason for this restless dissatisfaction as we drove down the road together.


The long hours at work while also providing for Mom were taking a toll on my health. Her mental illness with her constant depression had forced me to spend lots of money on private sitters; much more than I could afford. The house, like many people who purchased when I did; was upside down with its value now being 100,000.00 less than when I purchased it. Work, which had always been my solace; was changing. Those whom I trusted as my extended family had turned hostile toward me. All of my writing, my poetry, speaking, and my blog seemed to be futile; as I wondered did they matter. So, it was I looked forward to this time alone with God as we drove down the road.

Most of the first day, I spent listening to John Piper’s sermons with intermittent moments of praise songs. As I drove through Atlanta, I veered off track and was momentarily lost. As I listened to the GPS wind me back onto track; I wondered how it was that I would be trusting some unknown voice to guide me. How much more trust could I place in God’s voice to point me along my road of life!! By the end of the first day, all my doubts or worries of life had faded away to one thought, “If I have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, mountains would move.”

I made it safely into Columbia one week before the wedding. Ron with his family and Melissa with hers were flying in on separate days to meet up with me. I was thrilled to have all my children together. Ron and Melissa both fell in love with Missouri. As the week unfolded, I heard Ron tell Alberto that he wanted to move to Missouri. Like a lightning bolt had hit my brain, I realized why all my restlessness over the few months before. God was preparing my heart to move to Missouri. Wow, there were some huge mountains that would have to move for that to happen.

On July 20, 2013 Alberto and Lindsey married. I was overwhelmed with emotion. Then, as Alberto and I danced the son/mother dance, tears came into his eyes as he said, “Mom, thank you for always believing. It was you who first told me of Jesus and it was you who never quit believing that He had a perfect plan for each of us.” And there it was. The promise that God made to me that he would protect my children if I stayed with Pete, had been fulfilled. As I looked at the table where Ron sat with beautiful wife and children, Melissa sat with her loving husband and daughter, and now Alberto was marrying his princess; I knew God had kept His promise to me; as undeserving as I was. God’s love, mercy and grace had been faithful to keep his promises throughout all the wavering moments of my own heart.  God would finish all that He planned for my life.  That is love beyond anything I could have ever hoped for.  I felt like Abraham when God had caused Isaac to be born. More than that, when I realized that all three of my children knew Christ as their Savior; I felt like Abraham when God substituted the sacrificial Ram at the altar.

After all was over and I started the drive back home, I knew that God was about to move mountains so that I would move to Missouri. He did just that. I packed my trucks and was pulling out of Orlando on December 10, 2013 heading to Missouri. I wasn’t certain exactly what lay ahead. The only job to begin with was a part time job at the VA in Cardiology Electrophysiology. I had to leave Ron and family behind for the moment which broke my heart. The house was upside down and I would need a miracle to sell it. Still, I knew God had said “Go”. I trusted Him to move the mountains that lay before me.

So, how is all this a lesson in love?

1. Love trusts no matter what. Firmly anchored in God as the source of our faith. Love stands firm in believing that God will reveal the best plan for not only myself; but, also for those whom I love. Knowing that allows me to trust those whom I love; based on the strength of God’s love and faith that He is working all things together for good in them as well as in me.

Love “ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things Love never fails.” (I Corinthians 13:7-8 NKJV

2. God’s Love is strong enough to move every mountain, every obstacle that lies before us.

In your unfailing love you will lead
the people you have redeemed.
In your strength you will guide them Exodus 15:13 (NIV)

3. God always keeps His promises—true love demands that we also keep our promises to those whom we love.

You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed Joshua 23:14 (NIV)

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Because God is faithful, we can wholeheartedly trust those whom we love.[/tweetthis]

What obstacle stands before you?  Do you long to know that you are loved?  Is your heart broken?  Turn to Jesus.  He will guide each step of your journey.  One day, you will awaken and realize the depth of love that is yours, the strength that you are given and you will know that you are truly blessed with Joy.

The song I chose for you today is Sinking Deep

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

New King James Version(NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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