Is Your Spirit Ever Troubled Because Of Love?

Is Your Spirit Ever Troubled Because Of Love?

It was with great love and compassion for these His apostles that Jesus had washed their feet with tenderness. He knew and saw their hearts. Though they would scatter briefly at the time of His crucifixion; they would become His redeemed. He knew their fears, their coming failures; yet, they would become the ones who would spread the gospel news to the world. He longed to prepare them for the coming days. He wanted to wrap them with truth, love, and joy that would sustain them. Yet, there was one whose heart was dark. One whom Jesus saw the darkness lurking deep. There was one who would betray Him to the chief priests.broken heart


The plan had already been set by Judas with the priests.  Jesus knew this and that Judas Iscariot would betray Him. Still, the truth of this caused Jesus to moan within His spirit. Note, “20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. 21 When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me” (John 13). There was one who had walked with Jesus, who had eaten with Jesus, who had seen the miracles; yet, did not believe or receive Jesus as the Savior. In the darkness of his heart, Judas had only sought money and fame. When Jesus rebuked him back in John 12:8; he had become angered instead of yielding to the truth of Jesus’ words. Yet, Jesus moaned at the reality of this truth that Judas, one whom He had poured out His love upon—would betray Him. Has that ever happened to you? Have you loved someone dearly; only, to be betrayed by them?  Your heart is shattered.   Oh, how agonizing is that feeling!! Yet, Jesus knows exactly how you feel.  He was betrayed by one He loved dearly.  He longs to comfort your soul with His love.

This agony and sorrow of spirit was the same as when Jesus cried, “37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! (Matthew 23). He knew the heart of Judas Iscariot. He knew that it would be Judas who betrayed Him in fulfillment of the Old Testament verse in Psalm 41:9 “He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me”. Yet, because of love; his spirit was troubled.

The disciples wondered and questioned among themselves as to who could it be? Peter, in particular urged John, who was reclined nearest to Jesus. Jesus said, “He to whom I will give a sop when I have dipped it.” Usually, the guest of honor would receive the sop from the hand of the Master; yet, here with such sadness—it was the betrayer. Jesus knew what was in His heart. Still, though Jesus had said, “take, eat this is my body which I pour out for you.” Judas took the bread from the hand of Jesus; yet, with a heart of disbelief and betrayal. Then, Jesus said; “that thou doest, do quickly” (John 13:27).

Note here—there is no salvation found in taking part of the sacrament of the “Lord’s Supper”. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder to those of us who already are believers. It in itself has no power of salvation. It is a time when we remember that our salvation is an act of grace. It is to remind us that Jesus gave His life for us and shed His blood to cover our sins. We must come to the Lord’s Table in full repentance and humility. We come to be reminded of our position in Christ and that our only hope of salvation is in Him.


1. Do you believe in Jesus as Your Lord and Savior?

2. Does your spirit groan for the lost in the world?

3. Do you remember all that He did for you on the cross?

4. Does that love for Jesus draw you to His side? Do you long to know Him better, seek Him more, read His words, and take time to be alone with Him?

5. Is your spirit ever troubled because of love? Do you ever wish that you could love Jesus more? Does your love ever long that others might come to know Him? Is there an aching love within you that wants to spread His gospel to the world?

6.  Does your heart long for the salvation of those who have betrayed you?  Do you lovingly wish that they could believe in Christ as their Savior?

7.  Do you look at the evil, hate, and suffering of this world with a love that groans for salvation to come?  Do you see the darkness within your own heart and groan with a desire to be more like Christ?  Do you long to love others better with purity of heart?

Then come and drink from the fountains of living water in Christ, sit at His table, and learn of Him.

The song I chose for you today is Broken for You

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