Is There Any Hope When Hate and Terror Reigns?

For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God…Wherefore he (Jesus) is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens (Hebrews 7: 19,26-27)

As a Christian writer, I have tried to always present the truth of the gospel to the best that I can and not enter into politics nor have I ever tried to be politically correct when proclaiming the truth of the gospel. The tragedies in Orlando on 6/10/2016 and 6/12/2016 caused me to feel helpless and grieved over where our world and our nation are at this time. So many tragedies from hate and division. We seem to be a nation divided by race, by religion, and by ethnicity with little hope being presented to change this. Have we who are Christians failed to represent Christ as so beautiful that we could draw others to Him? Have I failed to proclaim His Love in a way that others would hear and desire Him? As we have reached Hebrews chapter 7 in our study; let, me point out the superiority of Jesus Christ as our High Priest.



The writer of Hebrews has pleaded with his readers that they needed to mature in their faith so they could begin to understand the truth. They had returned to the rituals and the Laws; yet, the law never was able to save anyone. There was always the need for an innocent sacrifice to cover the sins of man. Yet, Jesus was the hope all of this pointed toward. The law can only condemn and open our eyes to the truth that evil exists in each of our hearts. We are so prone to selfish desires with little hope of truly showing any love. The law points that out with such clarity; yet, can never be the solution. There could be no priests from the tribe of Levi who were the representation of the law and of whom they themselves are all sinners in need of a sacrifice to save them. Yet, then there came Jesus who is named “Priest forever after the order of Melchisidec” who was considered King of Righteousness and King of Peace.

Hence into a world of turmoil, anger and evil Jesus enters to become the only sacrifice that would forever satisfy the demands of perfect righteousness and yet bring Peace instead of bloodshed. He offers the only true righteousness to all who will accept Him. He offers to transform our hearts to recognize that were it not for Grace; I am the worst of sinners. For that reason, I cannot hate or condemn anyone else for their life. All I can do is to extend a hand of love that pleads with you to come and taste of the goodness of Jesus as your high priest. In Him, there is forgiveness and love.

As Jesus looks down upon this tragedy, I am certain He weeps as He did for the Jewish nation as they rejected Him.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Matthew 23: 37

He who can save us to the uttermost—eternally our high priest who makes intercession for us. He is always in prayer for me. Seated at the right hand of the Father forever making intercession for me. I could not survive a single day as a Christian were it not for the constant intercession of Christ for my faith to be strengthened, my heart enlightened and my joy sustained in Him, by Him and through Him.

It is so sad that we who proclaim ourselves as Christians have been so caught up in our own self-righteousness that we often fail to even reach out a hand to our own brothers and sisters in Christ when they stumble. How much less are we an example of Christ’s love to a world in need of the only High Priest.

Don’t get me wrong; I do not take sin lightly. Only I am too busy battling the sins within my own heart to ever condemn anyone else. I am at war with sin in my heart; so, that I can maybe one day become a shining mirror for you and all whom I meet to see Christ’s Glory reflected through me. No, I am not there; but, I will be always fighting. Yet, to you I can only say. [bctt tweet=”Come, meet the only priest who is perfect righteousness, perfect peace, and perfect Grace.” username=”effiedarlene”] There is no other Priest in any other religion who even pretends to proclaim to do or be that; nor can they.  Christ is the only way, the truth and the life.

Let me introduce you to Him. “consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself” (Hebrews 12:3)

A few months ago I wrote a poem called: In Christ I Am God’s Own Beloved. In that poem I pleaded that all we as Christians should remember that we are no better than the worst of sinners were it not for Grace. Yes, in Christ I am God’s Beloved, Redeemed Child; but that is because of His Grace and not because of anything of which I can boast in myself. When we remember that, then maybe we can present the beauty of Christ to the world in such a manner that they will desire Him. What a tragedy that the young man who perpetrated this act of terror did not know Jesus as His High Priest. I weep for His soul and for any who may have died at his hand who are now facing eternity. I do not know whether they knew Christ or not.

How quickly men’s own selfish pride

Does cast away and cast aside

A fallen one—a broken heart

Who needs your hand to help them start?

Christ had come to heal the lame

To lift their guilt and take their shame

He called the sinners to His side

To know His love-in Him abide

So why do we not give our hand

To help a fallen one to stand

So, prideful man with heart so small

Be careful lest you too shall fall


For it was God’s dear Grace that loved me so

Looked deep within and bid to know

Each crevice of my heart and soul

Each broken piece to then make whole

In Christ I am set free from sin

My guilt and shame all taken in

And bore upon that rugged cross

My strength to stand though all else loss

My sins all covered by His blood

In Christ, I am God’s own Beloved

To read the rest go to: In Christ I Am God’s Own Beloved

The song I chose for you today is: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Picture used by permission

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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