Is There Any Hope for Finding True Joy and Love?

Love—that illusive emotion that every heart longs for. We devote our lifetime in search of it; albeit by many means. Some lock themselves into a world of self-love in hopes to avoid the heartbreak. Some devote themselves to giving themselves away in self-sacrificing love. Perhaps they do find a satisfaction in such; yet, sometimes they too are left with a hunger or hollowness within their hearts when their sacrifice goes unnoticed by anyone else. Hand in hand with our desire for love, we desire respect—validation that we have a purpose. That our life matters to someone, somewhere. When we cannot find that, we fall into desperate despair. We search for meaning perhaps in our jobs, our family, or in belonging. Too often, in our desperate desire to become greater we, in fact, move farther away from love and toward hate. Anger, violence, racism, all stem from hearts that desperately need love. These are the ultimate results of broken hearts in utter disarray with no hope within.

love wins

In these final chapters of the gospel of John, we are intimately brought into the presence of Jesus teaching His apostles and all of us who would one day come to know Him as Savior. With such love and compassion, Jesus wants to teach them the truth. He is fully aware of the agonizing road that lies before Him over the next three days; yet, He wants these to be ready. He knows that the only hope for mankind lies in their finding out the truth about love. “God is love” (I John 4:8). He is the perfection of love as demonstrated in His giving His most prized possession-His Son to die for rebellious, undeserving hearts. He did so because His love was so great and His Joy so overflowing that He longed to shower that love and joy upon us. It was the purpose for which He created us. Love is most perfected when showered upon another. God is that perfect love—first and foremost in His perfect love toward His son who is that perfect mirrored perfection of His own Glory. Jesus is that perfect reflection of God’s own love, joy and righteousness made flesh. God’s very words made flesh. That spirit of goodness, righteousness, joy, and love between Heavenly Father and His Son showering forth in the form of the Holy Spirit.


Now as this is the last night of instructions before He goes to the cross; He longs for the apostles to understand. He does not want their hearts to be troubled. Were there anyway to prevent their suffering and still spread the gospel to all who would come after them; He would have. Yet, He knew there was only one way—He had to be the way and they would need to follow, each baring crosses of their own for love. He had humbly, lovingly washed their feet. He has told them that He must go away. He has told them, that He must go to the Father to pave the way for them to one day be with Him for eternity. He was “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14: 6) which would lead them to the Father. He has shown the truth of love as He healed the sick and had fed the crowd who would later renounce Him. He had demonstrated the redeeming power of God’s love when He raised Lazarus from the dead. He broke down the barriers of racism and human hatred when He transformed the woman at the well into His Missionary of love. He had challenged the self-serving religious zealots to open their eyes. Yet, their hearts were corrupt with so much self-centered love and pride that they couldn’t love God. They loved themselves more than they loved God.


“Thomas, do you not see? I am the perfect reflection of God. As such I have demonstrated all these works and acts of love. As the perfect image of God, I will be demonstrated it even further when I go to die on the cross to pay the penalty of sin to all mankind. My words are not my own—they are my Father’s. That is what perfect love is. That is how perfect love acts. Jesus has fully emptied Himself of any self-adoration so as to fully reflect His Father’s Glory and God, the Father’s perfect love for Jesus has done the same. All this Glory, Love and Joy the Father has poured out upon the son and the son upon the Father. That is perfect, pure righteous love. A love that never thinks of self.  That is a love that is willing to obey, to serve and to sacrifice so that the beloved might shine forth as more Glorious. That is the love Jesus wants for us as the adopted children. That is the love the Holy Spirit within us has—the perfect essence of God’s love. Oh, that our hearts would understand and comprehend that—even the smallest part of that kind of understanding will transform us into people who sacrificially give love without demanding recognition or glory in return. That is how God’s love should look in us and through us. He is the fountain of that living water of life, joy and love which overflows through our hearts.


My lifelong dream was to find love. That search took me down many paths of broken hearts. My heart has been shattered over and over along this path; then, in all that brokenness I came to realize the truth of what I hope I conveyed to you today. God is love. He is the only love that can fill your heart to overflowing. Without Him, we are unable to even truly love others. In Him, we can be so filled with His Joy and love that we can demonstrate that love to our family, our friends and to a world in need. I must end with this prayer for you as did Paul, “14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

“15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Ephesians 3).

The song I chose for you today is THRIVE

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