How to Prepare Mind, Heart and Spirit for Battle

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13

So, I had to prepare for battle in every way possible. It was certainly not the first battle I had fought. I had the battle scars to prove that. Each battle  presents with it’s own unique trials and lessons.  I needed a strategy, map it out on the playing field of life so that I could march forward into battle prepared to win with God at my side. Well, at least that was what I thought.  God smiled and let me plan.

mighty warrior


First I had to prepare my mind for the actual events that were coming. I couldn’t just ignore the truth that surgery was needed followed by chemotherapy. So as best as I could I needed to plan in a manner as to focus on whatever good I could focus on. The surgery was being scheduled for early December because they had to coordinate the schedules of the surgeon and the plastic surgeon. They recommended reconstruction on the same day as the mastectomy. Personally, I thought that was such a good idea!! So, after meeting with the plastic surgeon; the plan was for a tram-flap reconstruction. That is, they take a muscle and fat from the abdomen and from that they form a breast.  I shuddered at the thought. Sounds awful; but, I decided to focus on the positive.  I was going to have a tummy tuck paid by the insurance. I determined that to think of positives with chemo as well.

So, in preparation I cut my hair short. Then I bought a variety of wigs in many shades from blonde to red to brunette so that I could be whichever I wanted depending on the mood.  I reminded myself that losing 20 pounds wouldn’t be a bad thing as I was at my heaviest at 175. I know all of that was silly mind games to try to see the positive of this awful disease.  But, while I awaited surgery, those mind games actually helped me to block the thoughts that some monstrous Pac-man was eating away at the good tissue of my body—destroying me one cell at a time.


As I said on the previous post,  I also had to prepare my heart for battle. To do that I focused on my children and how much I wanted to be there for them. Love had given me the will to go to battle—a purpose.


A few weeks before the diagnosis, one Monday morning as I needed to head off to Vanderbilt—my car keys were hopelessly lost. I called that the day God hid my keys; because, the events unfolded in such a manner that I was 4 hours late leaving for my drive. I reached an area where I could listen to a Christian radio station just as Alistair Begg came on with a sermon from his series, “When The Wheels Fall Off.” Compelled by that sermon and this Scottish preacher, I pulled off and jotted down the phone number at the end so I could order those tapes. Those tapes had arrived just before I was told that I had cancer. Those tapes were powerful in helping me to prepare for battle. I have listened to Truth for Life ever since.


Paul laid out a spiritual battle plan in Ephesians 6 to help to guide us. Do not that this is nearing the end of the book of Ephesians which is such a treasure chest (as is all of scripture). Very meticulously in Ephesians chapters 1 to 3; Paul has presented the case that in Christ we have everything we need. In Christ, we are God’s chosen, blessed, redeemed, beloved children—heirs of the kingdom; to mention only a few. Now nearing the end of the book of Ephesians, Paul says, “Finally Brethren be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might.” In this journey through cancer and the years of illness to follow God was teaching me these truths, as I began to learn how to overcome life’s trials-one step at a time. Baby steps at first as I began that era of study beneath the mighty hand of God. So, how did I prepare spiritually back then?

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:14-18)

1. Surround yourself with truth. Listen to sermons from those pastors that you know are teaching truth. Listen to Christian Music. Study your Bible. Read books. This is foundational to your being able to go into battle. If you have difficulty discerning which preachers are teaching the truth; I will share a few of my favorites with you. Charles Stanley, Michael Yousef, Alistair Begg, and John Piper are a few which I use as my compass.

2. Breastplate of righteousness is the righteousness of Christ indwelling and encircling my heart. I have no hope of righteousness without Christ indwelling my heart, filling every crevice with His Love, His Joy and His Glory. This comes through focusing on Christ. For me, I performed one simple act of placing a promise ring on my right hand. This was a reminder to me every time I looked at my hand, that I belong to Christ. I am His betrothed.

3. Feet shod with gospel of peace—not looking to blame others or even yourself for the position you are in. Once in, peacefully forgive yourself and others so that you can march forward and not get stuck in the muddy mire of guilt or blame.

4. Shield of faith. Remind yourself everyday—put post its on the mirrors if needed. God is everything I need and God desires the best for me, so this thing that I am facing is part of His Sovereign Will for good in my life. I can trust Him. I wrote in more detail as to what faith is and what it looks like last week in “What More Could He Do to Prove His Love?”

5. Helmet of salvation to protect your mind. We cannot withstand the Devil’s attacks of “this is your fault, you aren’t good enough, God doesn’t love you” were it not for salvation. Because Christ paid the price for all my sins, I can look Satan in the face and say, “True, I am not good enough; but, Christ loved me, died for me and paid my penalty. Then He covered me with His robes of righteousness, and He is good enough. So, get out of my face, Satan.”

6. Sword of the Spirit, which is the word. The Holy Spirit within us can bring to remembrance scripture for the moment—answers to each trial. These are mighty swords of power to wield against any enemy you face. However, think about this. For the Holy Spirit to bring it to remembrance, you need to have read it. Do not neglect to read the Bible. Set aside time every day to reading the Bible as it is your only weapon against your enemy. All of the rest of your armor is protective

7. Praying in the Spirit. Pray, realizing that the Holy Spirit is there within you. When you do not know what to ask or how to ask; just, sit quietly in the presence of God and let the Holy Spirit speak for you, through you.

So, having prepared my mind, my heart and my spirit for battle; I was ready to march forward. I had no idea how really tough this was going to be; but, I knew I had done all I could to be ready with God as my Commander and Chief.

What battle must you face today?  [bctt tweet=”With each trial prepare your mind & heart for battle Most importantly put on God’s armor”]  [bctt tweet=”Every trial we face on this earth is a Spiritual Battle in one way or another.”]

The song I chose for you today is Wounded Soldier  If you are feeling defeated today; my prayer is this message and this song will help you to find hope again.

Drawing courtesy of Ronald Barba

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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