How to Find the Courage to Finish the Race

truth and integrity

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Falsely accused, condemned, all alone in a dark dungeon; Paul wrote this final letter to a young preacher whom he longed to see. Paul knew that soon he would be executed for preaching the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Betrayed by many friends and forsaken by the very people whom he was trying to save by telling the truth. How does one finish the course and stand for truth when everything and everyone is attacking you from every side?

So, many dear Christians around the world are faced with this dilemma every day. Their reality is that they could lose their life for standing up for the truth of the gospel. Do I have that kind of courage to speak truth? Or would I wish to hide and speak truth only when it is convenient? There comes a time when each of us must consider, stand up and fight for truth. We must stand on the side of Christ even if that means we are attacked from every side.

Right now, in the United States of America; there is a major crossroads as the election approaches. Until recently, I have taken the “easy” road of speaking only Biblical truths through my blog posts and skirted the political issues. Perhaps, it would be easier that way. Less chance that I would be criticized or face opposition. There are a few times when I would place one toe into the water, realize the water was cold and rough; then, pull back. Then, yesterday; I began to weep as I realized that Donald J. Trump was fighting with all his might so that I might continue to have the religious freedoms I had always taken for granted in this country. He has been attacked relentlessly by the liberal media. He has been taking the arrows aimed at our freedom and intends to finish this course.

Herman Caine was a republican candidate in 2012 when the media falsely accused him of sexual misconduct and it lost him the nominee. In the end, it was found that the accusations were all false and the women had been paid to come forward. He warned Mr. Trump at the very beginning that this would happen to him as well; yet, Mr. Trump cared enough for this country, for you and for me to run anyway. It has been a fight from day one for him. He has been ridiculed, belittled and made fun of. Yet, he has stood. He did not need to do that. He could have continued his life comfortably at home; yet, he loved this country enough to enter a battleground he knew would be brutal.

His family and his dear wife have been put through unwarranted disgrace. Mrs Melania Trump, a woman of gentle grace was accused of plagiarism for using words that represent “common domain”. The journalists only wanted to ridicule a woman who spoke those words with true compassion and from the heart. They didn’t bother to research the truth of those words which were plagiarized by Michele Obama if she was trying to say they were hers, for they had been around long before her—every phrase had been used before.

Am I saying that Mr. Trump has no faults? No: but, I do believe he is the man God chose for this moment and this time. And let me ask you, would your life stand up to this kind of scrutiny? Have you never said anything that you later regretted and wished somehow you could take it back?  What about your life? Any sins there?

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. I John 1:8

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Romans 3:23

So as a born again Christian, saved by Grace and Grace alone; I, now must take a stand. I am going to pray morning, noon and night every day for this nation. I take my stand to support Donald J Trump because he is the only one who stands on the side of  justice, protecting our religious freedoms, upholding the constitution of the United States of America and appointing judges to the Supreme Court who will do just that.

[bctt tweet=”I’ll be a prayer warrior for Donald J. Trump  Join me Let’s not leave our General to battle alone” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”Mr Trump is fighting relentlessly sacrificing so much so I can proudly say I am an American” username=”effiedarlene”]

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