How to Find Joy and Glory Through Journal Reflections

For many years my study Bible was filled with notations in the edges, underlined passages, sermon notes and little whispered prayer requests. As a child I had been taught never to write in my Bible, never to let it fall on the floor, and never to let it get stained. I still have several Bibles, in various versions or study formats that surround me when I study. All of those but one are crisp, unmarked; yet, the one study Bible dearest to me is filled with marks, notes, and memories of God’s unfailing faithfulness to me. It is like a dear friend who has walked the paths with me. This I had learned from listening to Charles Stanley. Yet, journaling was something else. Perhaps it was the naivety of youth or the business of life; but, I had a quick and bright mind in those days and thought my own brain would serve.


Then came the cancer and the chemotherapy which wreaked havoc with my mind’s ability to recall. The chemotherapy drugs I received were very neurotoxic. In the middle of my Master’s Degree program, suddenly I was fighting to remember and to hold onto the information that I needed to graduate. I did still graduate with a 3.97 GPA; however, I had learned to rely a lot on prayer and God’s grace to be my memory for the tests. No longer did I feel the same confidence I had always had on my own scholastic abilities.

A few years later I began journaling. I have several little books packed into drawers where I had written my thoughts.  These have words, thoughts, prayers, praise notes, bits of poetry, and scriptures all jumbled together. Sometimes, I go back and pick up one of these older books to read through them. They serve as a reminder of where I have been along this journey. They also show me the grace of God as He has gently guided and taught me. Sometimes I am reminded of how foolish I have been at times and how wonderfully gracious God has been by saying “No” to some of my requests along the way. Often, some of my greatest revelations of God’s Glory and Grace come from those reflections. Those moments when I can look back and realize that God’s hand was guiding every tear, every heartbreak, and every trial to bring me His greatest joy, hope, and strength.


As Jesus began His final journey into Jerusalem, He asked for a young donkey to ride upon. As was the custom; whenever a King wanted to enter on a mission of peace, they rode upon a young, inexperienced beast. The crowds heard of His coming. They “ took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. 14 And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,15 Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt.16 These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him” (John 12) The disciples did not recognize the events as being fulfilling of the old testament scripture until they reflected back. They could not fully recognize the Sovereign Hand of God etching every minute detail until later as they reflected upon the events.


The same has been true in my own life. When I am in the midst of the emotional moment filled with great jubilee or filled with great anguish; I cannot see the magnitude of God’s Glory and Grace. It is later that I am able to reflect back and see His Glory and His Sovereign Hand of Grace working “all things” together for my good. In John 12, we see the apostles filled with wonder, pride, and joy as Jesus enters Jerusalem. This only lasts for a brief moment before the apostles would watch Jesus die on the cross. Triumphant entrance, horrific death, and then the resurrection. None made sense at the moment; until, after it was done. Then the wonder, beauty, and Glory of it all was revealed and understood by the apostles who had witnessed it. Then the Holy Spirit guided their minds to understand how truly magnificent it all had been.


1. In the midst of the moment you may not be able to understand why. Yet, you can be certain of this one thing—God will one day reveal to you His Glory in the midst of every circumstance.

2. Journaling is more than a reminder of where you have been. It is the proof of just how far you have come.

3. What may seem a tragedy today could be the beginning of what is a miraculous blessing for tomorrow!!

4.  Prayer alongside reflection will guide you to discovering God’s Glory and Your Joy as you look back over the journals of your life.  God delights in revealing to you what He has done for you all along the way.

My prayer for you and for me is “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him  The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe” (Ephesians 1:17-19)

I encourage you to start a journal today—or more than one. Keep a Study Bible in which you can write notes in the margins—it may be stained with tears even. Still, that Bible I will guarantee can be your best friend when trials come and they will come. One day when I am no longer here, I wonder where my journals will go. Perhaps God can use them to point someone else to Himself—through even my failures, my questions, and my moments of deep sorrow—in the end He has been there through all of it.

I hope you enjoy the song I chose for you today.  Through all of it  by Colton Dixon

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