How to Boldly Stand Firm in the Gospel with Love

How to Boldly Stand Firm in the Gospel with Love

There was so much to teach and time was running short. Jesus would be betrayed by Judas within a few hours and He would be going to the cross to complete the Father’s command. He was the Messiah that they had so long awaited; yet, the priests and scholars did not recognize Him. So caught within their own prideful hearts they wanted someone who outwardly appeared more “kingly” by their definitions. They did not want some humble, loving Prince who questioned their authority. They were so wrapped in their own traditions and hunger for power and money that they could not see the truth. They did not really know God despite all the years of studying the scripture. “Remember, my dear friends;” Jesus spoke as He walked toward the Garden, “the world will hate you. It has hated me and because I have chosen you, it will hate you as well.” He continues this conversation from John 15:18 through John 16:3. Indeed, “2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.” (John 16, NIV)

“Don’t let your heart be troubled, you will be hated and probably killed for knowing me as your Savior; but, remember this, they hated me.” Not the words of comfort we want to hear in our comfortable homes here in the United States. If we keep silent, maybe no one will notice that we are Christians!  Yet, if I keep silent as to my faith; then, am I really a follower of Christ? We have heard the stories of Christians being beheaded in the Middle East. We have heard the stories of Christians being targeted, like the Oregon College Shooter who determined his victims by asking them whether they were a Christian. The early church faced imprisonment and execution because they named the name of Christ. Down through the ages of the church there were true followers of Christ who stood up against the “church’s prideful leaders”  These brave preachers of the gospel faced imprisonment, exile and even death by the established church for speaking the truth of Grace.

Yet, Christ bids us to proclaim the name of Christ and the truth of the gospel with love and boldness. Three times, He reminded these His apostles to display God to the world through Love. “They may hate you. They may kill you; but I command you to love one another, forgive those who trespass against you, and proclaim the truth of the gospel to a world in need of a Savior. Remember they do this in ignorance of me. I have chosen you to be fruit bearers. You must stand firm in love”


Stand firm regarding the gospel by standing firm in love? Seems impossible. We, as a society think that standing firm in anything means I should vehemently oppose or reject anyone who opposes me. Here we are told of the opposite. Humbly, we are to not compromise on the word of God; yet, we are to present it by our acts of kindness, genuine love, and forgiveness. The survivors from the mass shooting at the Charleston Church earlier this year displayed that kind of faith as an example of what true Christ followers are commanded to do. We are not to compromise concerning the truth of the Gospel; but, neither are we to respond with violence. That kind of love and forgiveness can only be accomplished with the help of the Holy Spirit. It is not a natural response of mankind to forgive those who desire to harm us. If we study the scripture, we will see that example portrayed by the apostles and the true believers in the early church.


They do not know who God really is. We, who know Him, have been embraced by His wondrous grace, mercy and love toward us. That should cause our hearts to yearn to bring others to know Him. Since it was Grace, Mercy and Love displayed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit which brought us to a saving knowledge of Him; shouldn’t we also show that kind of love toward those who don’t know His love? Shouldn’t it be my example of joy in every circumstance, love in the midst of loneliness or hate, and grace to forgive another that displays Christ to the world? Shouldn’t I be willing to lay down my life for the salvation of another?  Even if I am not asked to literally give up my life, what about my human desires?


8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen” (Acts 6). Because of his preaching, Stephen was taken to be stoned. Even as the stones were being whirled at him, Stephen continued to testify of Christ with a gentle voice. Looking into heaven with a glorious, loving face; he died. One of those who stood witness to this was Saul of Tarsus. That imprint on Saul’s heart most certainly remained there and was a testimony that prepared his heart for the encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.


1. BOLDLY STAND for the truth without compromise in Love

2. ALLOW JOY in every circumstance to present the truth that God is our Greatest Treasure

3. HUMBLY FORGIVE our family, co-workers, friends, and enemies

4. ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT—the very essence of God’s love to shine through our hearts and lead the way.

5. SPEND TIME alone with God in His word and prayer every day. I cannot present God to the world unless I earnestly get to know Him.

All of you who are facing oppression, hatred and the fear because of your faith; my prayers are with you that God may strengthen your heart each and every day with His Love.

Today I chose this song with illustration for you  All I Have Is Christ

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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