How Is God’s True Love Displayed In A Friend?

Throughout this lifetime, I have been a student of love. My journey was not always smooth sailing; but, the search to discovering the truth of love rarely is. Along this road, I have had my heart shattered at times; usually, because my own heart needed what others could not give. Love born out of need is always wanting and cannot ever satisfy the hungry soul. I have loved my children with a love that would be more sacrificial; yet, as I look back along the way that too I at times failed. Though my heart longed to love them with a more perfect love; the execution was not always perfect. The sorrows, brokenness and failures would cause me to withdraw into a cocoon—hoping that the hard shell would prevent any further pain entering my heart or soul. Yet, that is not where one can remain; because within that cocoon all joy, hope and life dies.


God so gently, lovingly along this journey has placed friends within my life at just the right moments. Those whom I could allow in without fear. The friends with whom I could share my deepest sorrows, my darkest failures and yet, they would remain steady and constant. Step by step they would lead on along this journey. They have been like angels of truth revealing God’s love to me. Through them, I have learned of what love really is. God has revealed Himself through them, His word and His abiding presence with me.

Jesus just told the apostles of the strength and power of their abiding in Him as the life giving vine. He would be the ever flowing sap of love that could reach through them so they would become fruit bearing branches. He has told them that as they keep His commandments, they would abide in His love—then in verse 12 of John 15 He says, “12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”. This He is full aware that they cannot perform without His Love flowing through them. That is true of you and me as well. Though we are born with hearts that desperately need and seek love; we fail to even know how to love or be loved. It is the Grace of God that gave His Son so that we might have our hearts filled with His perfect love. Only then can we truly begin to know what love is. As we are bathed in that love, we begin the journey of learning what love really and truly is.

As they continue to walk down the road toward the Garden of Gethsemane, He presses on with His teaching. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.17 These things I command you, that ye love one another” (John 15).

There are several key points we must take from this:

1. Jesus chose to call us His friend. He chose us to love us as a friend. He is willing to share the intimate details of Himself with us; so that we may know Him. He will teach us of love. As a friend, He will never be afraid to tell us when we are wrong either. Proverbs 27: 6 “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” A true friend will tell you the truth, even when the truth hurts. At the same time, “A friend loveth at all times” (Proverbs 17:17). A true friend is someone with whom I can share all of who I am and never fear that they will walk away. Instead, they will lovingly see the person I can become and take my hand to point the way. The same must be true in my being a good friend.

2. Jesus has ordained that we will bring forth fruit. He will accomplish and complete the work in us.

3. Again, for the second time in the chapter, He says that whatsoever we ask in Jesus name the Father will give us. Look closely that both times this is stated with a commandment to love. Could it be that whatsoever we ask in Jesus name is a request born out of true love and not selfish desire? That we will explore further Wednesday.

So what have a learned of love?

1. True love is only born out of a heart that is filled by love. A heart that desperately needs to be filled cannot overflow with love; because that heart is too consumed with self.

2. God is the only one who can completely fill our hearts so that all the brokenness and the desperately longing is filled.

3. To truly love someone else, we must lay aside all expectations.

4. To truly love someone else is to accept them fully just as they are.

5. To truly love someone else is to cherish each moment that you have with them; knowing that tomorrow is never promised—today, this moment is all you have.

6. To truly love someone is to be willing to lay aside selfish desires for the good of the other

7. To truly love someone is to be willing to be vulnerable

Take a moment to thank God for those precious friends He has sent your way and thank Him for being your truest friend.  He will teach you all you need to know of love—trust Him. 

The song I chose for You today is Beloved

Picture used by permission of unsplash, inscription is mine

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

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