We look around us at all the suffering, pain, and agony of this broken world. Wars, terrorism, and tragedies that occur many proclaiming to be in the name of God. Such tragedies have occurred throughout all the centuries since man’s heart first chose to worship the creation more than the creator. We see the natural disasters and ask God why? Then there are those agonizing sorrows much closer to our own hearts when we watch one of our children suffer. Even more agonizing is when we look back and realize that perhaps our own foolish choices may have been a part of their suffering now. Our very best efforts to protect, provide for, love and guide was not enough. Those memories we thought would elevate us become like ashes that fly away into the sky and all we have is shame or guilt. We look into heaven and wonder “how could a Sovereign God allow this?” Couldn’t He have enlightened me more, then? And what about mental illness, such as my mother’s bipolar disorder?  Is God somewhere to be found in the midst of their agony? Or what about physical illnesses such as the cancer I lived through.   Does God use all the failures, the illnesses, the broken pieces of our lives and our world to create something beautiful?  I know that He really does do just that; and because I know that, I can rest in His love, His peace, and His joy in the midst of every circumstance of this pilgrimage journey. I can trust Him, even when everything around me looks bleak and disastrous. Let me explain to you how I know and the steps which will help you to trust Him in the storms.

our greatest treasure


Jesus had declared “I AM the one you seek.” He had willingly surrendered to the cohort of men. In fact, He performed a miracle by restoring the ear of one. He could call a legion of angels and no man could hold Him. In fact, in plain day and plain sight, He had escaped their capture while standing before them teaching. Despite all of this, there in the darkness of the night, they chained Him and bound Him; as if their chains had any power over Him. Then they lead Him to the courts of the High Priest. We are reminded of Caiaphas words: “that it is expedient that one man die, rather than the whole nation perish” (John 18:14 and John 11:50). Something so tragically wrong, that perfect righteousness—the awaited Messiah would be sentenced to death in “the name of God” by the very ones He came to save.

What agony Jesus would face!! How much grief and agony must have been momentarily felt by God the Father!!  If God, did not see the “whole picture” and had focused on that very moment only; He would not have allowed this. Jesus who had the power to say “stop” at any time would not have endured the weight of our sin and the Father’s wrath against sin; if He had failed to keep His eye focused on “joy set before Him.” If God would do all that so that I, with all my frailties, could be His Chosen, Redeemed Child; can’t I trust Him with every detail of my life? Can’t I trust Him with even those broken moments of my life?


20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? 22 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory,24 even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?”


1. Remember the cross. When we look toward the cross which Jesus so willingly bore and God Ordained because He loved us so much, how, can we doubt His designing good from every circumstance.

2. Keep a diary or journal of every tragedy in your life on the left with an arrow that points to the right side where you list the awesome result. Here are a few examples from mine?

a. Mom’s Bipolar Disorder —>My feelings of Inadequacy and willingness to stay in an abusive relationship —>Pete’s Salvation (the eternity of one soul was changed)

b. My Failures at marriage—>Guilt and Shame replaced Pride—>Discovering the Truth of Grace and God’s Unconditional Love toward me–>true love filling my heart to the overflowing

c. Cancer, Financial Ruin, Multiple Surgeries—>Discovering God is my provider, my strength, and my greatest treasure—>Joy

3. Remember God’s Sovereignty and Grace. Before the earth was ever formed; God knew every detail of your life. His desire is that you would accept His gift of salvation. He knew who would reject Him; yet, He was willing to endure the agony of Calvary so that all who would believe could have eternity filled with a joy, hope, love and glory so unimaginably wondrous.

4. Remember God Knows You  Only God so intimately knows your heart that He knows exactly what your heart needs to transform it into a vessel that can be filled to the overflowing with His love, His Joy and His Glory.

5. Ponder this thought “No suffering is too great for the salvation of one soul.” You do not know whose eternity will be changed because of your momentary tragedy.

6. Never forget: This entire journey we face here is but a split second in comparison with eternity. “18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8 NIV)

7. Remember, “God loves you—so if He has allowed THIS, ask Him to reveal to you His purpose. I have learned this one truth along my journey! The most precious gifts that I have received from God came wrapped in pain, suffering, and sorrow. Then, as I tear off all the wrapping paper—there inside, I find a piece of His Glorious Love and Joy.  Then, I rejoice.

With God, often what appears to be so terribly wrong is transformed into something good. The words of Caiaphas were so terribly wrong—that one innocent person must die to save the rest; yet, is the truth of Calvary. The sad tragedy is that Caiaphas may have never realized the true meaning of His own statement. The tragic death of Jesus—the terrible wrong became the greatest good for all who call upon His Name.

The song I chose for you today is Jesus, I Thank You

New International Version (NIV)  Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

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