Does God Really Answer The Prayers Of The Broken And Lost?

Does God Really Answer The Prayers Of The Broken And Lost?

What a wondrous and beautiful morning it is—a moment in which we can reflect on the magnificent truth that is ours because Jesus Christ chose to be born in a lowly manger. He came to bring life abundantly full of joy, hope, peace and love. He promised, “Ask whatever you will in my name and it will be accomplished.”

God answers prayerChristmas 2015 with one of my Granddaughters, Annabella Grace

Yet, as we approach this season; I know of many who only long for peace. For some, there are conflicts within their family or their community. There are those who are afraid to name the name of Jesus because it will cost them their lives. There are those whose minds are filled with anxiety over their finances. Others are facing trials or burdens brought on by their own failures and they wonder if there could ever be forgiveness and love. While others face financial ruin and poverty despite giving their all to a job that was unappreciated. For some, they feel the ache of loneliness; having lost a loved one or having had their heart broken-with the pieces like shattered glass crushed upon the floor. Those may ask, “where is the hope, the joy, the love and the peace of this season or my life?” In the midst of all the broken dreams, how can I pray or believe that God hears my prayer and much less answers them? You see, my dear readers and friends; I too have been there all too often in my life.  For that reason, please read on–let me tell you a bit of my journey so that you might realize the wondrous joy that can be yours.


It was in the midst of all that pain, sorrow and brokenness, when I so needed a guiding hand I searched for answers. Many well-meaning theologians would teach that the reason for “unanswered prayer” and trials was because of my cherishing sin in my own life and they would quote, Psalm 66:18. Yet, when I read it, I saw Grace instead, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened 19 but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.20 Praise be to God who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” (Psalm 66:18-20 NIV). My position with God was based on my being covered with the righteousness of Christ—not my own. There was nothing my guilty hands could do that would purchase that!! Oh, yes; sin, like a thorn molests my heart at times; reminding me that I do not love God fully as I should. That I lay before His throne of grace daily to be cleansed; but, my position is secure in Him.


Then there are those who would say, my prayers went unanswered because I was not praying according to His will (I John 5:14) or because my motives were selfish (James 4:3). Then there were those who said it was because my faith was too small (Mark 11:24) or that God was testing my faith (Luke 18:1). In the middle of the night, when all the other voices were silent; I would be awakened with the words of a song or a scripture which soothed my aching heart and soul. A song of hope, joy, and love that would enwrap my weary soul. Then I would go comfortably back to sleep and awaken the next morning strong to face the day. I began to realize that God heard every word and step by step, I began to trust that He had a plan even when I had none. Let me give you some examples to hopefully encourage you in this journey.


From my youth, I longed for someone special—perhaps a fairy tale prince charming who would love me. I was willing to serve them, obey them, and “be the perfect wife”. I prayed earnestly for this dream. It must be God’s will. Isn’t that the ideal that God’s word would say? For me that lead down many broken roads and even severe abuse. Each shattered heart, I cried out to God and asked “why?” Little did I know at the beginning that God was answering that prayer step by step transforming my own heart to be so filled with His Love!! Each broken heart taught me just a little bit more about what true love really is. All those years that I had poured out love in hopes of having love in return—I was expecting love in return. Love is something I have, I own; because of God’s love abiding in me. When my heart finally realized that—I know love overflowing, joyous and full. Love that has no expectation, except to love. Now I live alone; but, not lonely. Because my heart is filled with God’s unconditional, abounding, joyous love; I can now give and receive love to family, to friends, and even to strangers I meet along the way. Love is a gift that lives inside of me because of God’s Abiding Love. So, what I thought was unanswered prayer was being answered all along with more than I had ever hoped for of love.


Though I have prayed many prayers for people when they are ill; I would like to share with you these three very personal ones. Those who have followed my blog for a while know that my mother is bipolar, as was also my belated husband Pete. For many years, I had prayed that Pete would be healed and still pray that Mom would find joy. Then, in July of 1994, after God had spent many years preparing my heart I prayed, “God, if the only way to heal Pete is to take him home to be with you and he knows you as His Savior; then, I let go. I love him too much to watch him suffer so as he battles emotionally. Yet, if there is any chance that he doesn’t know you, then give me another chance to show him your love.” Three days later, he died. I was broken hearted and crushed; but, over the years God had prepared my heart to pray that prayer and He did just that. He healed Pete by taking him home to be forever in God’s loving arms. Mom knows God, so I know that if not healed here; she will be one day with Him. All I can do is see that she is cared for while still here and leave the rest to God. As for me, I battled cancer, ulcerative colitis, multiple surgeries, and then was found to have a mass on the head of my pancreas. That all happened between 1997 and 2002. I prayed that God would take me home—instead, He lead me through each illness and taught me of joy in Him. He will one day take me home; but, until then I joyously tell of His story of love, hope and peace. If He could give that to me, He can give that to each of you as well.


I could tell you of thousands of stories of answered prayers for finances, for trials, for tests, for family and for friends. Some seemed to be unanswered at first; but, in reality God answered with more wondrous a miracle than I could have ever hoped for. I truly wish you a very Merry Christmas. Remember this that [bctt tweet=”God always answer the prayers of His children—always with greater answers than you even hoped for.”] [bctt tweet=”God’s Grace, Love and Glory are displayed in the miraculous way He answers our prayers-even when”] we think He hasn’t.

The song I chose for you today is My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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