Do you know the voice of the Good Shepherd?

Do you know the voice of the Good Shepherd?

With all that had happened over the months that had proceeded, I knew it had been the whispering voice of the good shepherd who had lead me to Missouri and to the job at the VA. Yet, in those early months in 2014, the job had remained only part time. Before arriving, I had believed with confidence I would find a second job. After all, God knew my finances and would provide. Month after month passed and no job presented. Indeed I felt the sting of rejection a few times along that road. Could I have heard Him wrong? Was I a fool to believe that I heard His voice prompting me to come to Missouri? Finally, a job offer came; but, I would have to leave the VA to take it. It did offer a lot more money. So I prayed a lot. Then, I knew in the very depth of my heart that I must decline the new offer and stay where I had been sent. No matter what the struggles, this was where God had lead me and this is where I was to stay. Then, a few months later, my job became a full time job. Over the last year and a half, I have seen the unfolding of God’s Grace in every aspect of my job and my life. I have been abundantly blessed in the physicians and supervisors that I now work under.

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Every detail of my life has been orchestrated by a Sovereign God who is my Good shepherd. There are the mysteries of life that God has yet to reveal—the aching heart when I realized that God’s Sovereign Hand halted the moving of my youngest son and family. Perhaps, God knew that if I had known that in the beginning I would have hesitated. He knew I would have questioned the plan. I may not fully understand the plan; but, this I know. I “know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

In John 10, Jesus presents himself as the good shepherd who will lay down His life for the sheep. His sheep will know His voice and will follow where ever the good shepherd leads them. Whenever I stumble along this path or whenever my heart aches because I don’t understand, the good shepherd is there to gather me in His arms and to hold me.


I do not know what sorrow lays heavy upon your heart today or what doubt clouds your mind; but, I do know that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. My journey has lead me through many dark and treacherous valleys; yet, He has been there to guide each and every step of the way. Whenever, I wandered; it has been His voice that called me back. He has never let me out of His sight. Do you know Him? Do you hear Him calling you to come? If so, just take a moment to say, “Yes, I believe. Like the blind man who received his sight who merely proclaimed, I believe and then worshipped Jesus Christ as His Savior and King. Whatever lies before you, you can shout for joy because the good shepherd will lead His sheep safely home.

“9 O crier of good news, shout to Jerusalem from the mountaintops! Shout louder—don’t be afraid—tell the cities of Judah, “Your God is coming!”10 Yes, the Lord God is coming with mighty power; he will rule with awesome strength. See, his reward is with him, to each as he has done. 11 He will feed his flock like a shepherd; he will carry the lambs in his arms and gently lead the ewes with young.12 Who else has held the oceans in his hands and measured off the heavens with his ruler? Who else knows the weight of all the earth and weighs the mountains and the hills?13 Who can advise the Spirit of the Lord or be his teacher or give him counsel? 14 Has he ever needed anyone’s advice? Did he need instruction as to what is right and best?15 No, …25 “With whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” asks the Holy One.26 Look up into the heavens! Who created all these stars? As a shepherd leads his sheep,[a] calling each by its pet name, and counts them to see that none are lost or strayed, so God does with stars and planets!27 O Jacob, O Israel, how can you say that the Lord doesn’t see your troubles and isn’t being fair?28 Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of his understanding. 29 He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak. 30 Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40 TLB.

So what burden are you carrying today?  What sorrow fills your heart?  What fear or doubt threatens you?  Come, let the Good Shepherd protect you, lead you,  and provide your every need.  He loved you enough to lay down His life so that you might have life abundant.

Listen to this beautiful song,  Shepherd

Living Bible (TLB)

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   Feel free to email me at or purchase his art at

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.