Closing Arguments on How to Vote This Election

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:19-20


As he stepped onto the stage, he looked out over the massive crowd. He was a business entrepreneur, not a public speaker. So often, he was outspoken, raw. He blurted out words at times and certainly had displayed no filter. Yet, there he stood; Simon Peter on the day of Pentecost preaching to the crowd. It was Simon Peter who had been chosen to begin the early church, a movement for Christ. God did not choose soft spoken John to be the spokesman; although, John did have his definite role in the early church. Throughout history, God has chosen sometimes the most unlikely people to be His servant at just the right moment and just the right time.

My intention was to step by step lay out the case as to why I am voting for Mr. Trump and then present the closing argument. Yet, the time is running short and many states are voting early. So, I will present my closing argument and then go back to laying out the case. As I presented in What is the Significance of the Supreme Court? We need to be very concerned about the supreme court justices who will be appointed over the next 4 years. Few Americans understand the ultimate power held by the Supreme Court and why the choices are so important. Mr. Trump has given us a list of potential justices and has contracted with the American people to keep his vow. Hillary Clinton has not and in fact is obligated to appoint justices that Mr. George Soros directs her to.

Mr. Trump has demonstrated his INability to lie and has shown himself vulnerable to defending truth; even when his incessant tweeting to clear up a misunderstanding of truth seems to annoy some. Yet, as the media has so misquoted him and then misquote the follow up; perhaps, I could understand. I would certainly also be misunderstood if my words were all scrambled out of context as would you and become frustrated as our words are twisted into completely the opposite of what we meant. Before coming to that conclusion as to his honesty, yes, I did my own research. I listened to the entire speech and dialogue first. Also, I listened to the entire speeches of Hillary Clinton; though, they are fewer in number. She tends to only speak once or twice a week. Even now her schedule is 3 times per week with a day of rest in between; while she has everyone else doing her rallies. I wonder if they will be doing her work as President as well.

Whatever offensive words Mr. Trump has said in the past or whatever actions, I do believe in Grace. Particularly as I have watched Mr. Trump change and transform. He has vowed and contracted with the American public to be a man of integrity and honor as he takes on the task of being the voice for the people. He has changed.   Hillary Clinton refuses to make that same verbal contract and instead continues to tell lie after lie to cover her tracks. Listen to her words as she twists and turns. She avoids truth as though it were a plague.

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19

In this case, we may look at both the lie concerning late term abortions which are never to save the life of the mother. A baby can be taken by C-section and live during the last three months. My daughter was born at 7 months and is very healthy still. Also, a C-section is safer for the mother than a late term abortion. So, Secretary Clinton in the last debate flat out lied; but with such emotion. Usually her lies are just cold. This time the emotion made the shedding of innocent blood even colder. Some late term abortions are due to the baby being found to have birth defects, so the mother chooses not to deal with caring for a less than perfect child. Sometimes it is due to a break up with the father and a very emotional, heartbroken mom chooses not to have the baby. Never would it be for the health of the mother as the baby could survive a C-section and be placed for adoption.

She also said, 17 departments of intelligence said the Russian Government is involved in the release of “wikileaks”. Ok, our 17 departments of intelligence include the Coast Guard, the DEA, etc. Only two are involved in Cyber crimes and they have not confirmed that it is Russia. A lie that pushes us into a renewed cold war with Russia. Why? Oh, yes. Have you ever noticed that people who do wrong blame the people who exposed their wrong (this time Wikileaks) rather than themselves for having done wrong? Wasn’t the whistle blower laws built to protect those who expose corruption? Just saying.

Ok, point is Secretary Clinton continues to tell lies with no evidence of having changed, shrouded in secrecy and lies.  Mr. Trump has evidenced change toward becoming a man of great integrity, surrounding himself with men of integrity. Which is why I offer a hand of Grace to Mr. Trump.

Now past the character issue, let us consider the true American issues.

1. Supreme Court Justices as I outlined in detail in What is the Significance of the Supreme Court? To summarize, Mr. Trump has given the names of those whom he might choose; Hillary has not. Although, we do know that she is obligated to appease one of her greatest donors, George Soros who believes in one world order, open borders, and from whom she has gained the term implicit bias. Note that he uses it in discussing his reform of the police and believes in FEDERALLY Controlled Police Force much like found in dictatorships.

2. Economy–Mr. Trump has outlined a true economical change. Remember that it was the deregulation of the mortgages that lead to the crisis we had in 2008. The laws that deregulated the mortgages were written by Bill Clinton, not Bush. It took the Bush years for the disaster to play itself out: but the true culprit was Bill Clinton’s Affordable Housing Act and the deregulation of the mortgages which lead to a housing “bubble” that had to burst. As Donald Trump and most financial experts have pointed out we are now in a financial “bubble” that could burst at any time. Furthermore, the loss of jobs to China and Nafta came because of laws and treaties set out by Bill Clinton; Secretary Clinton (as well as Soros and many of her big donors) are for TPP.  She currently will (as she says) present to the public one set of ideas and in private hold to another because the people are too ignorant to understand what is best for them. Check the facts. Also, check out and read both candidates policies as outlined in their website. Secretary Clinton wants to raise taxes and really does not mention the loopholes.  In fact her outline on her website is filled with circular, philosophical phrases rather than hard facts.  What as a child we all called “gobbledygook”. Mr. Trump lays out his plan in exact detail on his website.  He wants to lower taxes; but, get rid of the loopholes. Getting rid of the loopholes provides a fairer tax system. Additionally, he intends to get rid of the inheritance tax for farmers and small businesses; while at the same time, (to prevent abuse)  contributions of appreciated assets into a private charity established by the decedent or the decedent’s relatives will be disallowed and capital gains held until death that are valued over $10 million will be subject to tax. So, it really doesn’t benefit him; however, does benefit the farmers and the small businesses.

3. Religious Liberties as Outlined in the 1st Amendment First you must actually know what the First Amendment says. “The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.” The part that some quote as the “separation of church and state is the ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE and FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE. The establishment clause states that the Government could not impose a ‘GOVERNMENT REGULATED CHURCH of the State such as was the church of England who jailed anyone who preached anything other than the state doctrine. The free exercise clause was that the government could not interfere with the free exercise of religion. When the government prohibits a Christian from praying at school or at sporting events they are in violation of the free exercise clause as outlined. Additionally, when the government sues a group of nuns because they won’t offer abortion, again this is in violation of the free exercise clause. No where does it say that we only can speak our faith inside the walls of a church. Again the first amendment prohibits infringing upon our freedom of speech. The idea of the “separation of church and state” was brought about not to keep religion out of Government but rather to keep Government out of religion.  Mr Trump stands for religious liberties for all Americans.  Secretary Clinton wants to silence the conservative Christians, the Jews and all religions—locking them up from speaking.

4. CORRUPTION: As we have seen, corruption in Washington, DC and the American Political machine has run rampant with “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine ideology.” Laws are bent to help the elite. Cover-ups run rampant; yet, you and I are left with being the ones to bear the brunt of all the evil.  If you check Secretary Clintons website you will see she wants to release most of the prisoners held within our jails.

If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind. Proverbs 8:13 (TLB)

[bctt tweet=”Outlined here are but a few of the reasons I as a Christian woman am voting for Donald J. Trump” username=”effiedarlene”]

There are many more reasons I could list. Furthermore, this is a man who could have comfortably remained among the elite and continued to reap the benefits of that position; yet, he changed. Morally, he could not continue. Was it an epiphany of heart? Or was it God’s Voice calling him to repentance and transformation. I do believe it was both. I have come to this conclusion after much study and prayer. You don’t have to agree with me; but, I only ask that you consider the argument as I have outlined.

[bctt tweet=”I have pleaded my case for Mr. Trump You the people of the jury ultimately decide on November 8″ username=”effiedarlene”].

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Living Bible (TLB)

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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