Can I Really Engage People In A Computerized World?

Can I Really Engage People In A Computerized World?

It has been an amazing journey since 2010. I began when Dr. Bajaj asked if I could start sending a devotional email to the staff every day. From the devotional email, I got the idea of starting a blog post. If my emails could reach or encourage a few, perhaps on the web I could reach more. I had just published my first book of poetry and was working on another book that was dear to my heart. Perhaps I could reach a larger audience for Christ. At the same time I had begun speaking in a jail ministry. Not having much capital, I did obtain some help from a young man who understood computers and how to set up the website.


Pretty much later, I had to figure it out. Sadly to say, I have one of those brains who has trouble reading the instruction manual. You know the type, the one who tries to figure it out. Well, that was me. I did watch a few YouTube videos for how to. You can imagine how I have stumbled along this path. Hours and hours sometimes to accomplish the simplest of tasks. Still work was too commanding and chaotic to ever consider taking a class in all this technical stuff. (My difficulty with reading the manuals is why I so often have lead you through entire books of the Bible or series. The one manual I do want to learn, is God’s Word. When I am taking you through a series, I am committing myself to fully read, study, and understand before I teach you each section.)

prayer for you in computer world

[bctt tweet=”Lost in the mass of the technical jargon, the one thing that kept me going was love for each of you”] You see, every step of this journey called life has been a journey reaching for hope, joy, and peace in the midst of chaos. The thought of not sharing the wondrous mysteries of the gospel with you would be an unbearable thought.

Along this journey I have learned that God is my greatest treasure. He is that fountain of Joy that overflows washing away the sorrows. He is my hope of grace not only for today; but, grace that covers all of my tomorrows. His love is so amazing that I must tell you about Him.

So, forgive me when I seem to get busy with learning all the technological things that appear necessary to reach an audience. I have done so to reach more people for Christ and to keep you safe on the web. I have taken courses from Michael Hyatt and Ken Davis, as well as joined Platform University to study the intricacies of managing a website.  These men are wonderful Christian men with great insight and knowledge (if only my brain could absorb it.)  After battling with spam comments back in the early days, I then went with disqus because it keeps you safe—no spam or backlinks. I know you may feel intimidated by the initial sign in; but, I have reviewed many and it is recommended for its safety. Once, I thought of allowing advertising to offset the cost; but, every evening I had to block more ads (which had run while I was at work.) Not certain why a Christian website would attract ads for porn, gambling, etc; but, every night I would block whatever new advertisement had posted that day. It was truly comical. I ultimately decided to not allow any advertising.


Before I began blogging, I did not realize all that goes on behind the scenes of this computer stuff. I have learned a lot and keep on learning as the technologies grow. My desire, my hope and my purpose is one thing: to display the beauty of Christ and His Grace to you. I wish I could sit down, take your hand in mine and look into your eyes. I wish I could I tell you how God chose someone like me to be His child, how He has loved me with an everlasting love, and how He ever so patiently has taught me of His Joy. He never let go when I pulled against Him. He never got frustrated when I asked for selfish things, got angry or even pouted. Gently, lovingly He would draw me back into His arms and wipe the tears from my eyes.


I can’t; but God can. It is my prayer today that He reach out and draw you in to Himself. I pray that He reveal just enough of His Glory to make you hunger for more of Him. Lilias Trotter was a talented artist who lay aside the chance for wealth and prestige to focus her eyes upon Christ. Instead of life of leisure and fame,  she chose to serve 38 years in the mission fields in Algeria, where she died.  Helen Lemmel was inspired to write these words after learning of Lilias Trotter’s story.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.”

[bctt tweet=”When you focus upon Jesus, all other desires fade away and you realize that He is all you need. “]

Would you like to share a story of how you are challenged by technology while sharing the gospel?  Click here to comment.

Let me end with this beautiful Hymn: My Only Hope is You, Jesus.

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header    Please go to his website ( for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.